It tries to tackle just a bit too much, but the combination of modern themes and the '50s Serkian filmmaking style is hard to resist. My β β β β review of Far from Heaven (2002) on Letterboxd: #FarFromHeaven #PrideMonth #Letterboxd
#farfromheaven #PrideMonth #letterboxd
It's a year since my co-edited volume on #ToddHaynes came out from #DukeUnivPress, and it's time for their 50% off sale! So here is my shameless pitch for those of you who haven't got a copy yet. You get half off all your Duke books if you use coupon code SPRING23 through April 17.
You can order from the US site (; if you're outside the US, from #CombinedAcademicPublishers (
This book was a labor of love for the editors and contributors, so I hope it can reach its readers. Thanks all for buying, liking, supporting, reviewing, and boosting. :heart_cyber:
#Film #IndieFilm #QueerFilm #FeministFilm #FilmStudies #Feminism #Whiteness #TelevisionStudies #HBO #KillerFilms #NewQueerCinema #JulianneMoore #CateBlanchett #KateWinslet #ChristineVachon #Carol #VelvetGoldmine #FarFromHeaven #Safe #SuperstarTheKarenCarpenterStory #Wonderstruck #DottieGetsSpanked #ImNotThere #MildredPierce @movies @queerstudies @filmeundserien @film @filmstudies
#ToddHaynes #dukeunivpress #combinedacademicpublishers #film #indiefilm #QueerFilm #feministfilm #filmstudies #feminism #whiteness #TelevisionStudies #hbo #killerfilms #newqueercinema #juliannemoore #cateblanchett #KateWinslet #christinevachon #carol #velvetgoldmine #farfromheaven #safe #superstarthekarencarpenterstory #wonderstruck #dottiegetsspanked #imnotthere #mildredpierce
De samenvoegen van deze twee thema's kan als problematisch worden gekarakteriseerd in de manier waarop parallellen worden getrokken tussen racisme en homofobie, maar de film is, dat indachtig, ook 20 jaar later echt de moeite waard. 'Far from Heaven' is een lust voor het oog en de hoofdrollen van Julianne Moore, Dennis Quaid en Dennis Haysbert zijn zeer overtuigend.
CW: racisme, homofobie, conversietherapie, alcoholmisbruik, huiselijk geweld
#FarFromHeaven #QueerCinema
Onlangs de draad qua queer cinema weer opgepakt en als eerste 'Far from Heaven' van Todd Haynes uit 2002 herzien, voor het eerst in ca. 20 jaar.
De film is een hommage aan de Amerikaanse melodrama's van Douglas Sirk uit de jaren '50, zoals 'All That Heaven Allows' (1955).
Alleen kan 'Far from Heaven' iets wat voor diens inspiraties niet mogelijk was: dieper ingaan op rassendiscriminatie en homoseksualiteit.
CW: racisme, homofobie, conversietherapie, huiselijk geweld #FarFromHeaven #QueerCinema
Bastard sons of sin, birthed by the greatest arsonist
They only let the light in to show us darkness is permanent
We are what you created
We are what you created
We are what you created
We are what you created
An infinite expanse of pine boxes
Illuminate the sky
Keep me far from heaven
So far from heaven
#FitForAnAutopsy #FarFromHeaven
#fitforanautopsy #farfromheaven
So here is an #introduction to me:
I'm a 34-year-old dude from York, PA. I love #cats, #catpics, movies/TV. I do my best to stay up to date with #politics and the news.
Some favorite movies: #Goodfellas, #Heat, #JesusChristSuperstar, #FarFromHeaven
Follow my #LetterBoxd at
I occasionally write my thoughts on various films and regularly log them. I'm attempting to make my way through more classic films (a la #Criterion), especially horror.
#introduction #cats #catpics #goodfellas #heat #jesuschristsuperstar #farfromheaven #letterboxd #criterion #fucktrump #fuckthegop #politics