Some of our replacement layers! These girls will be integrated shortly into our pastured layer operation! We chose a different breed each year for replacement layers so we can easily keep up with the ages. Last year we bought all Easter/Oliver eggers. This year we went with barred rocks!
#twistedcedarfarm #paturedpoultry #farmfresheggs #nongmo
Our hens are really turning it on! We are getting more and more eggs! Despite the crazy weather we have been having the hens are performing!
#twistedcedarfarm #farmfresheggs #nongmo
This is for all of my chicken people! This is a cheap idea to create nesting boxes! It's a cat litter box with the top cut! Very cheap and easy way to avoid the metal style nesting boxes that eventually rust out. I have some of the metal boxes and they work great until they finally rust out and they are on the more expensive side. Also on a side note this was my wife's idea lol
#twistedcedarfarm #farmfresheggs #wifesidea
Washing and packaging eggs! Four more dozen going out to customers in the morning. One of my customers asked if we raised dinosaur's because of the size of the eggs lol. My respond was not quite but we do raise all of our animals on pasture supplemented with non-gmo/soy free feed! I always take the time to educate my customers on the benefits of raising our animals the way we do.
#twistedcedarfarm #nongmo #nosoy #realfood #farmfresheggs
This is one of our mobile hen houses. We move these twice a day everyday rain,snow,or shine. Moving these everyday not only provides fresh grass for our hens it also helps to recondition the soil! This is one of our pastures we are currently trying to regenerate it has been overgrazed for years. I am amazed what you are able to accomplish with regenerative farming!
#twistedcedarfarm #regenerativeagriculture #farmfresheggs
A dozen and a half eggs going out to a customer in the morning! So glad our hens have decided to ramp up egg production!
#twistedcedarfarm #farmfresheggs #nomgmo #soyfree
Yall, today was a great day to gather eggs. The girls outdid themselves by giving me 62 of them.....
We love to eat favorite meal is a fried egg with runny yoke placed on top of my homemade sausage gravy & biscuits for dinner.
I also use fresh eggs in some of the goat milk soaps I make.
#windrowfarms #windrowfarmsgoatmilksoapandmore #farmfresheggs