I'm here to echo the question and see the response. Also #EarthRepair #transport #relocalization #UrbanAg #permaculture #Pedalpower to the people!👍 ✊ 🌍 🌎 🌏 #Farmhack, #permablitz
#streetcar lines again #bikeroads #Pedaltransport #WindTransport #wind
Still new here. This reconnecting stuff is all about # hashtags. Now I need to make a hashtag list.
#EarthRepair #transport #relocalization #urbanag #permaculture #pedalpower #farmhack #permablitz #streetcar #bikeroads #pedaltransport #windtransport #wind
RT @commonify
Similar to #AtelierPaysan is #Tzoumakers in Greece, #Commons Creating Peer Production ; another one is #FarmHack -> commons are everywhere it's about learning to see them
#AtelierPaysan #Tzoumakers #commons #farmhack
Farm Hacks
Tools made by farmers for farmers
Network approaches for increasing technological sovereignity
#farming #FarmHack #SoilHack #OpenSourceEcology
#farming #farmhack #soilhack #opensourceecology
Upcoming #Farmhack events in North Wales
Evening 25th Sep
Farm Hack Taster https://www.meetup.com/NorthWalesTech/events/254570262/
Community Farm Hack Wales 5th & 6th Oct
Lots about
Fixing your tools
#OpenSource robots
#farmhack #communitysupportedagriculture #opensource
Interesting interview of folks from L'Atelier Paysan a well established French open source farming tools project
Julien Reynier and Fabrice Clerc from L'Atelier Paysan on self-build communities in farming -
#commons #farmhack #opensource
@cathal @LeoSammallahti @pnathan @dazinism (Just gonna drop in #farmHack here, although I'm sure you'll have heard of it already: http://farmhack.org/tools "We are a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify our own tools." )
@dazinism Oh cool! #farmHack is awesome, thanks for contributing.
I'm interested in the idea. Have you read 'Governing the Commons'? Ostrom beautifully describes how several communities ingeniously devised bespoke and self-reinforcing systems for woodland commons.
I've joined that Loomio thread. I'll be back in the UK in July/early August. Perhaps we can meet?