All this week BBC Radio 4's #FarmingToday is focussing on the shellfish industry. Buglife CEO, Matt Shardlow, spoke with them this morning, listen again to hear more!
#HarryDimbleby cracking on #BBCRadio4 #FarmingToday on the UK food system.
#harrydimbleby #bbcradio4 #farmingtoday
Every single thing I am hearing on #FarmingToday comes down to one thing: #Brexit is terrible. #R4Today #BBC
#bbc #r4today #brexit #farmingtoday
A piece on the new design of #peatlandr #restoration course developed by #SRUC and #NatureScot was on #BBC #FarmingToday this morning
#peatlandr #restoration #sruc #naturescot #bbc #farmingtoday
RT There’s some unvarnished #Brexit truths on the more serious #FarmingToday which are routinely censored by #r4today minutes later.
#brexit #farmingtoday #r4today
Turns out EU workers were vital to UK farming, NHS, logistics,
hospitality, building sector and to economy and everyone's wellbeing generally.
Hence why Cons and Labour won't backtrack on FoM 🤷🤦
We have an economic system which wants to drive costs to zero, regardless of human necessity…
but on #r4today I learn that Starmer is shaking the *skilled labour* magic wand
after just hearing on #farmingtoday that agriculture can’t fill 70% of its labour need
🎙️UK egg crisis and planting trees.
#Eggs #Trees #UK #Podcast #BBCSounds #FarmingToday
#farmingtoday #bbcsounds #podcast #uk #trees #eggs