RT @Vinehousefarm
If you have breeding Curlew in your area, look after them, as they are in severe decline
#VHFcalendar #birdfeeding #birds #nature #wildife #conservation #birdfood #feeder #hygiene #gardenbirds #farmlandbirds #vinehousefarmshopcafe
#vinehousefarmshopcafe #farmlandbirds #gardenbirds #hygiene #feeder #birdfood #conservation #wildife #nature #birds #birdfeeding #vhfcalendar
The Volunteer & Farmer Alliance for context. I was lucky to survey 5 farms. Unfortunately now defunct but what a great way to put birders in touch with farmers #rspb #NatureFriendlyFarming #farmlandbirds
#RSPB #NatureFriendlyFarming #farmlandbirds
RT @LeeFarming@twitter.com
#Linnet on the line
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LeeFarming/status/1608755648636022789
RT @fezg0d@twitter.com
The clear winner of the #Kestrel territory on campus after the scuffle filmed by @ailsamiller29@twitter.com earlier this week. Proudly preening on this winter morning ❄️
#farmlandbirds #birdofprey @BTO_Shropshire@twitter.com @Jannerbirder@twitter.com @_BTO@twitter.com @HarperAdamsUni@twitter.com
#birdofprey #farmlandbirds #kestrel