A cuddle puddle of Boer Goat kids. Boer goats are large-bodied goats with clownish personalities. They are often seen in the show ring when county fair comes around in the fall 4-H & FFA kids spend months raising & fitting them for the big gig and auction.
#boergoats #4H #FFA #FARMSITTING
#boergoats #4H #ffa #farmsitting
A cuddle puddle of Boer Goat kids. Boer goats are large-bodied goats with clownish personalities. They are often seen in the show ring when county fair comes around in the fall 4-H & FFA kids spend months raising & fitting them for the big gig and auction.
#boergoats #4H #FFA #FARMSITTING
#boergoats #4H #ffa #farmsitting