Gizmodo: Futurama's Return Is Equal Parts Nostalgic and Very, Very 2023 #culturaldepictionsofrichardnixon #entertainmentculture #mauricelamarche #tressmacneille #mattgroening #johndimaggio #davidxcohen #davidherman #phillamarr #kateysagal #philipjfry #farnsworth #billywest #laurentom #futurama #amazon #bender #hulu #emmy
#culturaldepictionsofrichardnixon #entertainmentculture #mauricelamarche #tressmacneille #mattgroening #johndimaggio #davidxcohen #davidherman #phillamarr #kateysagal #philipjfry #farnsworth #billywest #laurentom #futurama #amazon #bender #hulu #emmy
Link blog entry for "Farnsworth House - Wikipedia": (
#farnsworth, architecture
I keep reading about #Longtermism and I can't help but think about what Prof. #Farnsworth said in #Futurama:
#longtermism #farnsworth #futurama
Goodbye, cruel world!
Goodbye, cruel lamp!
Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords.
Cruel though they may be, I-- (p f)
#futurama #farnsworth #death #cruellamp
@KC1PYT "Most"? No idea. Seems 2BA consensus 2 use method like #Farnsworth or #Koch that has fast chars but w/long spaces between - it's about the sound. MANY online tools to learn #Morse - local club has this: