Why women are sacred. #Farrakhan
Ticketmaster getting flack for selling tickets to Farrakhan’s yearly event. It was jam packed with Jew hate and no one should be surprised. Would Ticketmaster sell tickets for a Nick Fuentes event? I can’t imagine they would. #Farrakhan spreads Jew hate to his community and yet he gets a pass from celebrities and members of Congress. #antisemitism
@gilad73 I have no use for #Farrakhan #Jews have suffered for thousands of years #mazedon I have no interest in ever watching that show. Thanks for the heads up.
Farrakhan : « L’Amérique devrait fermer sa grande gueule ! »
L'occident continue distingue les guerres "justes" (Irak, Syrie, Libye, Afghanistan...) des guerres "injustes" (Ukraine). Louis #Farrakhan avait déjà donné une leçon de réalisme à travers un discours percutant.
"You People" Normalizes #Farrakhan's Views On #Jews
#mazedon #jewniverse
#farrakhan #jews #mazedon #jewniverse
#Kanye West's (#Ye) #antisemitism inspired by Louis #Farrakhan - opinion
#kanye #ye #antisemitism #farrakhan
"#Facebook's Mandatory #Hate Speech: Users only allowed to post content from #PaulJosephWatson, #LauraLoomer, #Farrakhan, #MiloYiannopoulos et al. if they express hatred toward them in their own FB profile.
#hate #facebook #pauljosephwatson #lauraloomer #farrakhan #miloyiannopoulos