25 September 2022
The far right #ParentsRightsGroup
#Schools #SchoolBoards #farrightloonies
#whitesupremacy #farrightparents
#parentsrightsgroup #schools #schoolboards #farrightloonies #whitesupremacy #farrightparents #USAShitShow #wtf
25 September 2022
The far rightc#OarentsRightsGroup
#Schools #SchoolBoards #farrightloonies
#whitesupremacy #farrightparents
#schools #schoolboards #farrightloonies #whitesupremacy #farrightparents #USAShitShow #wtf
25 Feb 2021
#farrightloonies #NoNazis FarRightGrifters
#exposingandyngo #andyngoisaschmuck #ngoyourenemy #KnowYourEnemy #farrightloonies #nonazis
25 Feb 2021
#farrightloonies #NoNazis FarRightGrifters
#exposingandyngo #andyngoisaschmuck #farrightloonies #nonazis
#exposingandyngo #andyngoisaschmuck #farrightloonies
From irrationally fearing plant based milks to flogging each other after mentioning masturbation, "Anxieties about emasculation are extremely common on the far-right..." and "ignoring hasn't worked".
#farrightloonies #hate #terrorism #nzpol
#FUCKDeSantis #farrightloonies
Lawsuit to stop discrimination in #Florida
#FL will be sued to stop #extremeright #racist freakout about #AfricanAmericanStudies
#FUCKDeSantis #farrightloonies #florida #fl #extremeright #racist #AfricanAmericanStudies
#Gaslighting #FOXpropagandastation
#farrightloonies are at it again
#Gaslighting #foxpropagandastation #farrightloonies
#RuthBenGhiat author of #StrongMan talks to #MSNBC
explaining some of why people fall for this authoritarian rubbish
#authoritarianplaybook #farrightloonies #KnowYourEnemy #RuthBenGhiat #strongman #msnbc
#RichardOjeda tells it like it is
#RichardOjeda #usmidterms #USMidtermReturns #farrightloonies
To EVERYONE who is American or knows one: This is no time to fuck around!
#VOTE !!!!
Working a job, getting money to pay rent & food is part of the system, but you have to do that, right?
If you know that, then you should know you need to vote to keep #GOPpsychos from getting elected. If these #farrightloonies get elected, your country is FUCKED (and so are the rest of us! 🌍!! ) Get off it and #VOTE !!!
#anarchistsVOTE !!!
#Vote #GOPpsychos #farrightloonies #anarchistsvote
#WTF ! Scary!
#antisemitism #farrightloonies
I don't have a telly, so this is the first I'm hearing about #TheAnarchistsHBO
#wtf #antisemitism #farrightloonies #TheAnarchistsHBO
#TheMostUnhingedConversation You'll Hear Today
#SteveBannon went fully conspiratorial with #AlexJones by claiming the FBI raid on Donald Trump's home was part of a “deep state” plot to have the former pre...
#TheMostUnhingedConversation #farrightloonies #SteveBannon #alexjones