#GBNewsAndCultureWarBullshit which includes #TurningPointUK an offshoot of the one in you-know-where (🇺🇸)
#CultureWarUK (Oy!)
#gbnewsandculturewarbullshit #TurningPointUK #farrightnutters #leavedragperformersthefuckaloneuk #culturewaruk
#BashTheFash #documentary #SubMedia #film #antifascism
One of the things I want people to PAY ATTENTION to is:
Reach out to disenfranchised people before the #farrightnutters get to them
#bashthefash #documentary #submedia #film #AntiFascism #antifascistorganising #farrightnutters
#SmashTheFash #documentary #SubMedia #film #antifascism
One of the things I want people to PAY ATTENTION to is:
Reach out to disenfranchised people before the #farrightnutters get to them
#SmashtheFash #documentary #submedia #film #AntiFascism #antifascistorganising #farrightnutters
'Gradual and increasing'
Call it hyberbole if you want to, but if ouija boards were real, I'm sure my great-grandparents' relatives who died in the camps would say' Nah. No hyperbole. This shit's getting uglier by the day' ✡️
#UKshitshow #USAShitShow #knowsley #jacksonmississippi #briannaghey #hatespeech #hatefullaws #warontransandnonbinarypeople #waronimmigrants #milquetoastmoderatepoliticians #farrightnutters
#GOP minimises #farright '#extremists. One could also just spit out! They are in cohoots with the #farrightnutters!
#GOP #farright #extremists #farrightnutters #USAShitShow
Dear fellow #queers :anqueer_flag: :newpride: :
Still think it's hyperbole to say the #farrightnutters are coming us?
Watch this vid. In fact, watch many of the #news vids regarding #LGBTQIAplus issues, and ask yourselves what action will you take? What queer rights group can you join? Not into groups, ok... so what can you & your mates do to keep each other safe & fightback?
#queers #farrightnutters #news #lgbtqiaplus
#LGBTQIAplus attacked by wellfunded & well-organised
armed #farrightnutters at #LGBTQIAplusSpacesAndEvents
#lgbtqiaplus #farrightnutters #lgbtqiaplusspacesandevents #stochasticterrorism #stochasticviolence
Amerika! Take a look at what's going on in your schools
#farrightnutters #racism #schoolboards
#LGBTQIAplus attacked wellfunded & well-organised
armed #farrightnutters at #LGBTQIAplusSpacesAndEvents
#lgbtqiaplus #farrightnutters #lgbtqiaplusspacesandevents #stochasticterrorism #stochasticviolence
What other countries can learn from #Germany about stopping an overthrow
#germany #reichsburger #farrightnutters
What other countries can learn from #Germany about stopping an iverthrow
#germany #reichsburger #farrightnutters
Who is behind the #AttemptedOverthrowOfGermanGovernment
#attemptedoverthrowofgermangovernment #germany #deutscheland #farrightnutters #dw #deutschewelle
#FarRightNutters trying to overthrow #GermanGovernment
This was posted afew hours after the one below
#farrightnutters #Germangovernment #deutschewelle #dw
#FEHtenyahu 🤮 #WTF
#farrightnutters EVERYWHERE!
#FEHtenyahu #wtf #democracynow #farrightnutters
#Electionworkers continue to be under threat
#ElectionWorkers #farrightviolence #farrightnutters
#ViceNews #TheStates
#Farrightnutters are hilarious, but they are also DANGEROUS!
People Saying the Last Election Was Stolen Want to Run the Next One
Former President Donald Trump wants people loyal to him in charge of elections in 2024. At least 21 candidates who think he really won in 2020 are running fo...
#TheStates #elections #vicenews #farrightnutters