Moored In Time
Narrowboats moored on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. A shot taken in the 21st century but borrowed from the 20th.
#PhotoOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheWeek #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Narrowboats #CanalLife #Farrimond #MooredInTime
#mooredintime #farrimond #canallife #narrowboats #blackandwhitephotography #PhotoOfTheWeek #photooftheday
So you're probably sick of #BlackFriday and I don't blame you. However, I've just discovered that the company that prints all my stuff is having it's own 25% off thing today, on all wall art.
Well. Have you seen my work?
This is Forest Operations
With the 25% off this print starts at only £13.33 - shipped within 3 days.
#PhotoOfTheDay #Forestry #Farrimond #GiftIdeas
Any chance of a boost to spread the word? It's a struggle being a struggling artist 😉
#giftideas #farrimond #forestry #photooftheday #BlackFriday
Anyone looking to buy a #Galaxy or #iPhone phone case?
Well today's your lucky day! 1 day only 25% off all phone covers - 3 day shipping and 30 day money back guarantee.
You could have a classic #Farrimond fondling your phone, like this, 'Night Caller'
(Feel as though I should be on a street corner with a suitcase. Is it obvious that sales aint my thing?)
#nightcaller #phonecase #sale #farrimond #iPhone #galaxy