#JustStopMusk #EnoughTwitterNostalgia
I am tired of the obsession by some on #mastodon with certain oligarch shitheads not worth our attention. Time to adjust to #slowsocialmedia and stop to hear the birds singing. Go #tang_ping because its a #newinternetera.
I would #ratherwatchpaintdry or be #fascinatedbydrippingtaps than let #fuckwits occupy my time.
#LateStageCapitalism is all about #attentioneconomy so if you obsess you monetise it for them. Why #giftaid to what you claim to despise?
#giftaid #attentioneconomy #latestagecapitalism #fuckwits #fascinatedbydrippingtaps #ratherwatchpaintdry #newinternetera #tang_ping #slowsocialmedia #Mastodon #enoughtwitternostalgia #juststopmusk