Don't be so insensitive to people who have no choice but to live in FL, due to poverty, or work requirements.
There are some 40% of Floridians who vote Dem and have been gerrymandered / threatened out of their suffrage.
Many cannot afford to relocate.
It's great to live in a Blue state and gloat over those you deem inferior, but there before the grace of God go YOU.
#floridafascism #fascistdesantis
Florida businesses are on strike beginning today (through Saturday?) to protest DeathSantis' new anti-immigration bill. He will in-validate other states' drivers licenses! No fascism here, def not. Called "Day Without Immigrants". Naples business owner says 15 of his 45 employees have left FL for other states, since the first bill passed in May!
#DeathSantis #Fascist #DeSantis #FascistDeSantis #Florida #dangerous #place #for #visitors #tourists #beware #LGBTQ
#deathsantis #fascist #desantis #fascistdesantis #florida #dangerous #place #for #visitors #tourists #beware #lgbtq
Inject this into me all day long 😂.
#fascistdesantis #desantisthefascist #snowflake #wtf
#FascistDeSantis #mussolini
Scary guy,has same Idealogy as Mussolini.I went back to look up Mussolini:s history,No wonder they killed and hung him up with his mistress.Didnt want to show that picture.The link tells the whole history.
Parents react to empty classroom, library shelves https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/01/27/parents-react-to-empty-classroom-library-shelves-as-dcps-continues-book-review/ All the teachers had to pack up their stuff, the librarian apparently tearfully announced that she no longer had a resource class to do. And she had to review all the books in the school. They also took all of the library books that had been checked out, and kids were in the middle of reading and said that they can’t continue to read those books until they’ve been reviewed.” #DeathSantis #FloridaTaliban #FascistDeSantis
#DeathSantis #floridataliban #fascistdesantis
Fascist DeSantis now has a new nickname: Groomer Ron
He's terrible #FascistDeSantis #GroomerRon courtesy of @esqueer