DAME Magazine · @damemagazine
5962 followers · 934 posts · Server newsie.social

“The Mandate for Leadership” is a 920-page document that details how the next administration will implement radical and sweeping changes to the entirety of .

In other words, it's a roadmap for eradicating protections for all of us.


#republican #government #fascistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Damkina · @Damkina
105 followers · 3698 posts · Server mas.town

@eniko Those who are allies should stick together and fight for those who cannot stay. This is a movement that must be squashed!


Last updated 1 year ago

Ida Tschichoflos · @IdalovesEarth
291 followers · 5167 posts · Server mastodon.floe.earth

The modern form of practiced by and the behind them:

Die moderne Form des durch die fossilen Parteipolitiker à la und die Industriekartelle hinter ihnen:

Opinion | The Carbon Cartel Has Forced Children to Fight for Their Lives in Court | Common Dreams

#childsacrifice #kindesopfer #genz #LetzteGeneration #child #sacrifice #rightwing #fascistic #republicans #carboncartel #kindesopfers #cdu #csu #fdp #afd

Last updated 1 year ago

Cindy Weinstein · @CindyWeinstein
936 followers · 2189 posts · Server zirk.us
Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
614 followers · 276 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

When call people , they have zero interest in protecting . They want to hurt trans people, and they know that children are an excellent target for . Note how care is being banned, first for children, in state after state across the United States.

Protecting children means nothing to them. After all, what they are doing objectively hurts children and puts them more at risk of , either by or . Matt wants to protect ' because (1) he has no idea that pre*pubescent girls are, among other things, defined by their *lack of breasts and (2) he thinks children should be permitted to marry adult men. You might know them as the real groomers.

You cannot and should not argue with . Try, and they'll strawman everything you say, ignore your , and do anything and everything that they can to you into silence. The objective of every argument, for them, is not to arrive at some . It's to . That's all that matters because, to them, the sick perversion is what consenting adults do at home and with their own bodies. Not what is done to children by their bedfellows.

Mock them? Sure. Crucify them on social media? Definitely. But never, never take them seriously. They are not serious people, and their are justified means towards the end of all trans people in the United States and abroad.

This video is a must watch, IMO. It's long, but you'll learn a lot about how these people function. And once you start realizing that they are nothing like you—because you actually care what happens to others—you'll start figuring out how to respond to them appropriately.

With unbridled contempt.


#fascists #trans #groomers #children #paranoia #gender #affirming #death #homicide #suicide #walsh #prepubescent #girls #breasts #fascistic #transphobes #facts #shame #truth #win #lies #psychology #politics #uspol #transphobia #terfs #fascism #socialjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
640 followers · 1035 posts · Server newsie.social
SubtleBlade ⚔️ · @SubtleBlade
111 followers · 1398 posts · Server mastodon.scot
SubtleBlade ⚔️ · @SubtleBlade
111 followers · 1268 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Modi’s model is at last revealed for what it is: violent Hindu nationalism underwritten by big business - theguardian.com/commentisfree/

#india #fascistic

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
425 followers · 3240 posts · Server masto.ai

If you have evangelical family you can talk to about ,please do. It was horribly offensive to me, and I’m a Christian, because have done nothing to address their overwhelming involvement in politics. I tried to address this in my own family, having studied the rise of Nazism in 3 languages, and the ignorance that met me was breathtaking. I will have no contact with my parents as a result (one of them compared me to Nazis for my pains). But it was right to try.🇺🇸

#hegetsus #evangelicals #fascistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Whenever we read something about the truckers that just want to work without mandates, we are reminded that and are melding with govt, in a rather manner.

Its not for .

Its to usher in , systems that will strip away at our desire to do anything at all; to be someone with any purpose at all.

This is how they induce .

Please hold close your sense of .

#bigpharma #bigtech #fascistic #publichealth #autonomous #Technocratic #nihalism #humanity

Last updated 3 years ago

Re , there is something insidious about the sale of an important part of the business to .

This goes beyond the , some might say nature of 's original demand that sell TikTok to a US-based .

Oracle are reported to have links to the Trump administration.

Perhaps, its around this time that devs take a closer look at ?

#tiktok #oracle #extortionate #fascistic #trump #bytedance #multinational #java

Last updated 4 years ago

The logic must cut hard to get this kind of reaction.

True leftists fight , and .

Your reactions highlight an inability to debate on reason. Someone's use of all caps was especially telling. Similarly about our says more about your , some might say , nature.

We suggest going back to school - you may need it.

#extremePoverty #workerExploitation #overdevelopment #yourAssumption #gender #autocratic #fascistic #radical

Last updated 5 years ago