Ron DeSantis boosted a video that all but calls for eliminating trans people. Who’s next? #RonDeSantis #DoneSantis #NeverRonDeSantis #HumanRights #TransRights #GayRights #DontSayDeSantis #GOP #FascistRon #AdolphDeSantis #Florida #FloridaIsForDeadPeople
#floridaisfordeadpeople #Florida #adolphdesantis #fascistron #gop #DontSayDeSantis #gayrights #transrights #HumanRights #neverrondesantis #donesantis #rondesantis
DeSantis vows to punch back at Disney 'come hell or high water' @Disney Leave Florida, Disney, and let #FascistRon deal with the loss of BILLIONS of your tourism dollars. Better now than in 20 years when most of Florida will be destroyed by climate change super hurricanes, or will be under water.
DeSantis vows to punch back at Disney 'come hell or high water.’ Because with a 60% home insurance rate looming for Florida homeowners, THIS is what is important for #FascistRon Culture wars.
#FascistRon DeSantis wanted to ban guns at event, but not to be blamed, emails show
@barney @DemDifference Add Florida’s deadliest hurricane in almost 100 yrs to #RonDeSantis’ Resume. Those poor people drowned because the evacuation order was delayed while #FascistRon was busy trafficking humans from #Texas to #Massachusetts.
#rondesantis #fascistron #texas #massachusetts