@KeroZelvin a Luck based drug dealing super “hero” in a #FASERIP game named… lucky.
In a #FASERIP game, where I got to do some actual RPing outside my character's normal skill set (The Human Tank is not good at de-escalation, but he tried...), *and* I got to do things well within my skill set (basically, punching someone *literally* off the map). That's a good #TTRPG session. :)
#7TTRPGS that have influenced me in no particular order:
#MarvelSuperHeroesRPG (#4CSystem aka #FASERIP)
#FATE (and #FUDGE )
#ReignORE (and #ORE in general)
Gosh, that was harder than I thought it was going to be. Lot's of influential stuff missing there!
#7ttrpgs #marvelsuperheroesrpg #4csystem #faserip #fate #fudge #traveller #ironsworn #reignore #ore #starswithoutnumber #genesys