This phenomenal photo exhibition is starting this week in East London as part of #RanaPlaza10YearsOn
#Photography #London #EastLondon #TowerHamlets #Photograph #Photo #Exhibition #Fashion #FashionActivism
#ranaplaza10yearson #photography #london #eastlondon #towerhamlets #photograph #photo #exhibition #fashion #fashionactivism
Some news! Today marks the launch of the Rana Plaza Solidarity Collective, a UK group that has been set up to mark the tenth anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse.
We have a schedule of events taking place around the anniversary on the 24th April which can all be found here:
#FashionActivism #FashionNews #GarmentWorkers #Fashion
#SignTheAccord #RanaPlaza #ProtectProgress
#ranaplaza10yearson #ranaplazaneveragain #fashionactivism #fashionnews #Garmentworkers #fashion #signtheaccord #ranaplaza #protectprogress