justsoup · @justsoup
65 followers · 236 posts · Server mstdn.social

It seems in later updates for the TCL A3 (bangkok_tf), TCL decided to block access to BROM mode in production. Luckily, they also seem to have left an exploit to access fastboot in the build. 😉

That means that, no matter the update, you should be able to get mainline Linux running on your TCL A3.

#Android #fastboot #Postmarketos #mainline #Linux

Last updated 1 year ago

Farooq Karimi Zadeh · @farooqkz
6 followers · 11 posts · Server blackrock.city

@lcruggeri @CalcProgrammer1 @vkc

The best way is asking in their chatrooms. But generally speaking, you need a way to boot custom OS for your device. I don't have experience with but regarding many devices, they have which is a mode you enter and you can flash your device with custom stuff.

However not all devices are "unlocked". For instance, my requires unlocking before I can flash anything I want with it. Fortunately, Sony gives the unlock code :D

#lumia #android #fastboot #xperia_mini

Last updated 1 year ago

R. · @R_culturalibre
53 followers · 287 posts · Server mstdn.social

Ayer fue todo un caos, así que llego tarde al haciendo una de mis actividades más comunes, revivir tecnología con software libre (sin contar los blobs del smartphone 😆).

Debian 11 con XFCE 4 usando fastboot para darle una nueva vida (la 4ta creo) a un smartphone con Lineage OS.

El paquete de iconos es Papirus, el tema Nord (Nordic) y el fondo de pantalla nuevamente una imagen de MTG.

#mtg #nord #papirus #LineageOS #gsi #fastboot #xfce #Debian #Linux #GNU #gnulinux #viernesdeescritorio

Last updated 1 year ago

R. · @R_culturalibre
24 followers · 122 posts · Server mstdn.social

Ayer fue todo un caos, así que llego tarde al haciendo una de mis actividades más comunes, revivir tecnología con software libre (sin contar los blobs del smartphone 😆).

Debian 11 con XFCE 4 usando fastboot para darle una nueva vida (la 4ta creo) a un smartphone con Lineage OS.

El paquete de iconos es Papirus, el tema Nord (Nordic) y el fondo de pantalla nuevamente una imagen de MTG.

#mtg #nord #papirus #LineageOS #gsi #fastboot #xfce #Debian #Linux #GNU #gnulinux #viernesdeescritorio

Last updated 1 year ago

Drückeberger · @drueckeberger
132 followers · 686 posts · Server muenchen.social

I'm flashing my with the latest build 🥳
- right after I backuped the old SD card with pictures of 2016 -
I will ditch of course and install all my favourite apps on . I do play a lot for example.

#floss #smartphone #magisk #root #recovery #fastboot #twrp #android #customrom #shatteredpixeldungeon #fdroid #googleapps #lineagos #motog6

Last updated 2 years ago

Charles ☭ H · @celesteh
1171 followers · 14951 posts · Server lgbt.io

Ok, we're back and I've restarted from the top.

I don't understand the system_a system_b thing. Why do I have to send the exact same files twice?

#fastboot #fairphone #e

Last updated 4 years ago

Charles ☭ H · @celesteh
1171 followers · 14951 posts · Server lgbt.io

Control-c didn't work
kill didn't work
kill -9 didn't work

I've never even heard of a process surviving kill -9

#linux #fastboot #e #fairphone

Last updated 4 years ago

Anyone need an package with cross-platform pre-built binaries of and ? I got ya covered: npmjs.com/package/android-tool

#npm #adb #fastboot #heimdall #nodejs #android #androiddev

Last updated 4 years ago

j.r · @jr
388 followers · 5599 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

Was ich eigentlich machen sollte: meine (diese Woche recht wenigen) Schulaufgaben

Was ich gemacht habe: github.com/msm8916-mainline/lk

But hey, mein phone kann jetzt so ne Art , was ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung für das Ding ist xD

#samsung #fastboot #postmarketos

Last updated 5 years ago

Laiv Saloçin · @laivsalocin
34 followers · 675 posts · Server framapiaf.org

J'ai galéré toute la journée d'hier pour débloquer le de mon 7. Sans succès.
J'ai réussis à faire voir le port USB en , mais la dernière version du unlockbootloader ne me permet pas le déblocage. Tentatives en , et . Bien sur je suis développeur et le port USB est en mode débogage, avec le compte xaomi associé à l'appareil.
J'ai lu qu'il fallait rétrograder la version....
Des idées ou même d'autres idées?

#bootloader #xaomi #redmi #RedmiNote #fastboot #linux #windows

Last updated 5 years ago

Devinius · @devinius
135 followers · 980 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Ich versuche aktuell auf einem Laptop in zu deaktivieren. Nach jedem Neustart ist es wieder aktiv. Ich kann mir da aktuell keinen Reim drauf machen. Hat ja jemand einen Tipp für mich?

#win10home #fastboot #followerpower

Last updated 6 years ago

Cómo instalar Shell y en Linux? bit.ly/2ERD26C

#adb #fastboot #gnulinux #android

Last updated 7 years ago