I spent ~$100 on take out from a new restaurant on Geary where they are fighting transit and ped improvements.
I did it all on my bike. I took up zero parking spaces.
I'm so tired of the motorist community claiming only drivers frequent local restaurants. They have no data to back up their claims, while local electeds boost their views.
Q: Why is is #fastersafergeary moving bus stops from the ‘near’ to ‘far’ side of intersections?
A: This lets buses use signal priority, w/a sensor communicating w/the signal to give buses more green lights.
Support a faster 38 Geary by sending a letter:
Please share widely. We need SFMTA to complete the Geary BRT project so all residents can reap its benefits. Fast. Safe. Geary. 🚌🚍✨💫
#fastersafergeary #gearybrt #fundtransit
Please share widely. We need SFMTA to complete the Geary BRT project so all residents can reap its benefits. Fast. Safe. Geary. 🚌🚍✨💫