#ClimateCollapse: it's all happening... #FasterThanExpected.
#climatecollapse #fasterthanexpected
This paper says the AMOC will do a phase transition mid-century (compared to past end of century as previously assumed) Between 2025-2095 with 95% confidence.
#FasterThanExpected #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #AMOC #nature #ClimateChaos
#fasterthanexpected #climateemergency #climatechange #globalwarming #amoc #nature #climatechaos
The only thing not #fasterthanexpected at this point really seems to be governments #climateaction, which is a predicament that largely sucks.
#fasterthanexpected #ClimateAction
vaihtaisin jutun tägin
#sää #ilmastokriisi #endFossilFuels #helsinki #rankkasade #ilmastonmuutos
koska sitä toi on. kuivuus ja sitt iso määrä vettä joka menee osin haaskuun ja aiheuttaa haittaa kun ei imeydy rutikuivaan maahan. #äärisää
joo meen just nukkumaan
saas kattoo missä kunnossa mun parveke yms on kun palaan kotiin täältä saaristosta.
okei tän kuvan etsin rinnastukseksi vielä...
#FasterThanExpected #ClimateDiary
#Elokapina = #ExtinctionRebellion Finland
#ilmastokriisi #saa #endfossilfuels #helsinki #rankkasade #ilmastonmuutos #aarisaa #fasterthanexpected #climatediary #elokapina #extinctionrebellion
‘Exceptional’ surge in methane emissions from wetlands worries scientists
>Methane emissions from wetlands have risen faster this century than in even the most pessimistic climate scenarios, new research finds.
Faster then expected, the new climate meme ?
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #FuckAroundAndFindOut #FasterThanExpected
#climatechange #climatecrisis #fuckaroundandfindout #fasterthanexpected
En un artículo recientemente publicado en Cell One Earth, Ripple et al. analizan una serie de 'feedback loops' o bucles de retroalimentación y su efecto en la #CrisisClimatica. Muchos de estos loops no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de realizar los modelos predictivos, lo que implicaría que las cosas podrían ir a peor más rápido de lo esperado, y vuelven a hacer hincapié en abordar la crisis con todas las armas posibles, lo antes posible. #FasterThanExpected
#crisisclimatica #fasterthanexpected
Un nuevo estudio sobre la subida del nivel del mar basado en la tecnología LiDAR ha descubierto que, en los países en vías de desarrollo, la crecida afectará al doble de superficie de la estimada hasta ahora, y mucho más rápido de lo que se pensaba.
Un nuevo caso de #FasterThanExpected
RT @ThierryAaron@twitter.com
"there is more and more evidence that the traditional approach produces too low melt rates at Greenland's vertical glacier fronts."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThierryAaron/status/1605274653953609746
RT @ThierryAaron@twitter.com
"...projected temperatures universally increased extinction risk. Overall, these results show that the effects of climate change may be more extensive than previously predicted..."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThierryAaron/status/1601542244976455680
«Although data sets cover less than two decades, our method provides some indication on how strongly global warming may influence the atmospheric circulation worldwide already today. This may also indicate that the warming trend is more severe and rapid than many climate projections show, and that we cannot exclude that weather extremes predicted to occur between 2050 and 2100 already materialize during the next few decades.»
Quand les oiseaux tombent du ciel en masse et meurent au sol.
Explosion du prix des aliments. Pas dans 10 ans, maintenant! Il faut élaborer un système économique qui soustrait aux aléas du marché les prix du panier d'alimentation. #climatecrisis #foodsecurity #fasterthanexpected #eatherich
#eatherich #fasterthanexpected #foodsecurity #climatecrisis
We got it wrong???? FCS! Coupled non-linear systems problems are HARD.
#fasterthanexpected #climatecrisis