@me_the_fl00f ja, genau. Und dort macht diese second hand Kleidung dann die lokale Wirtschaft kaputt.
@me_the_fl00f ja, das ist richtig, auch hochpreisige Marken nutzen Billiglohnländer.
Shein hat das Problem der #FastFashion auf die Spitze getrieben.
Am Ende bleibt so oder so: Kleidung lange tragen und weniger kaufen. Wer Klumpat zu 2-3 € kauft, der oder dem ist es auch egal, wenn es nach 1x waschen kaputt ist.
#shein #FastFashion #ausbeutung #Nachhaltigkeit
Teilweise 17-18 Stunden schuften für deinen Style. 1 freier Tag pro Monat, "Sonntag gibt's hier nicht." (Quelle: makro) #menschenrechte
100-e neue Designs täglich. Bis 70 % Rabatt gibt Gefühl, dass sich Kauf lohnt. Wegwerf-Mode für jedermann / jederfrau.
Bitte hört auf, so einen Mist zu kaufen, nur weil es billig ist! Arbeiter leiden, Umwelt leidet.
#Influencer, hört auf drüber zu schreiben!
#shein #fastfashion #ausbeutung #nachhaltigkeit #menschenrechte #klimakrise #zivilisationskrise #influencer
Im Gegensatz zu so einigen anderen kann ich der Idee der #Schuluniformen so Einiges abgewinnen.
Ich erinnere mich nämlich noch gut daran, wie wenig es um Individualität ging und wie sehr, „in“ zu sein und insbesondere auch - in meiner Klasse waren sehr viele „Rich Kids” - zu zeigen, was man sich leisten kann.
In Zeiten von #FastFashion also gar nicht so blöd für uns alle.
Die Lotterargumentation, etc. ist natürlich übergriffer Käse.
#schuluniformen #fastfashion #Fedieltern
"Fast fashion firms prepare for EU crackdown on waste mountain"
#Europe #EU #EuropeanUnion #Fashion #Textiles #FastFashion #Environment
#Environment #fastfashion #textiles #fashion #EuropeanUnion #EU #Europe
#ForcedLabor #NotTolerated #SECInvestigation #InvestigateShein #FastFashion
I am appalled that this company may be using forced labor. The SEC must investigate thoroughly and make sure that any company filing for a US IPO does not use such unethical practices. The world is watching. http://www.techmeme.com/230830/p14#a230830p14
#forcedlabor #nottolerated #secinvestigation #investigateshein #fastfashion
Are we in a new evil age of #fastfashion Empire? Because what the world needs is more $2 crop tops.
Per fortuna non mi importa nulla della moda, compro molto poco e solo quando mi serve.
È difficile però evitare, se non quanto meno ridurre, queste tendenze. Parlarne e diffondere la consapevolezza, è però importante.
#NovaLectio #FastFashion #Abbigliamento #Moda #Società #Ambiente #Ecologia #Economia #Capitalismo #Consumismo #GenZ
#novalectio #fastfashion #abbigliamento #moda #Societa #ambiente #ecologia #economia #capitalismo #consumismo #GenZ
Shein is the name of my Depesche Mode/Haim cover band.
Someone using my email to sign up for stuff again. If I didn't verify my email and they can't verify the email because they don't own this account, why are these #FastFashion #spammers still emailing me?
*cracks knuckles*
Time to close someone else's accounts.
Senza fare la morale a nessuno, anche perchè la questione è complessa ed entrano in gioco molteplici fattori, è possibile fare qualcosa contro il #FastFashion compiendo piccole scelte consapevoli. Io ad esempio non compro su SHEIN ed evito di acquistare prodotti made in Turchia (prodotti quasi sicuramente da profughi siriani). Vi linko questo video interessante di Nova Lectio https://i.devol.it/watch?v=9MMDVc7svhQ
It’s estimated that the fashion industry is one of the world’s greatest polluters, responsible for about 20% of the planet’s waste water and around 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The EU is setting out to change this - but is it a real possibility?
#EU #FastFashion #Fashion #Waste #Pollution #Emissions #GreenhouseGasEmissions #GHG
#ghg #greenhousegasemissions #emissions #Pollution #waste #fashion #fastfashion #EU
#Redundancy in #shoes because materials will crumble is taken as 'just one of those things'. It doesn't need to be. Shoes used to last so long they could be inherited! #Hiking #boots lasted decades. #Cobblers made #repairs. #ThrowAway is seen as part of our society now because many have been conditioned to accept it. It has to stop. This isn't even just a #fastfashion issue. Even expensive goods are designed to rot. #eco #environment #StopWaste
#stopwaste #environment #eco #fastfashion #throwaway #repairs #cobblers #boots #hiking #shoes #redundancy
Chinesischer Moderiese Shein überflügelt Konkurrenz
H&M, Zara oder Primark? Alles Mode von gestern. Shein heißt der neue Stern am Fashion-Firmament: Die Ultra-Fast-Fashion überholt sie alle. Was macht der chinesische Textilriese anders als die Konkurrenz? Von Anke Heinhaus.
#shein #mode #fastfashion #china #onlinehandel
The true cost of #FastFashion is more than evident! Can clothing be more #sustainable? 👕♻️
A new study identifies the main causes of clothing failure and suggests possible solutions, with advice from industry professionals.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SfEP/status/1685921867289210881
#Redundancy in #shoes because materials will crumble is taken as 'just one of those things'. It doesn't need to be. Shoes used to last so long they could be inherited! #Hiking #boots lasted decades. #Cobblers made #repairs. #ThrowAway is seen as part of our society now because many have been conditioned to accept it. It has to stop. This isn't even just a #fastfashion issue. Even expensive goods are designed to rot. #eco #environment #StopWaste
#stopwaste #environment #eco #fastfashion #throwaway #repairs #cobblers #boots #hiking #shoes #redundancy
Four Corners is doing an exposé “Inside the #Shein Machine” tomorrow (Monday 31 August) which should be interesting to watch
(If only so people might stop pronouncing it “shine”)
#shein #australia #abctv #tv #fastfashion
Auf diesen Halden in #Ghana und #Chile landet die #UltraFastFashion
Wegwerfmode von Onlinehändlern wie #Shein und #Temu gelangt aus Europa und den USA tonnenweise auf riesige #Müllhalden in der Atacama-Wüste und in einen Fluss in #Accra. Das belegen exklusive Satellitenbilder. Was für die einen #Müll ist, ist für die anderen Ware – um zu überleben.
#FastFashion #Kleidung
#kleidung #fastfashion #mull #accra #mullhalden #temu #shein #ultrafastfashion #chile #ghana
WE LIKE #goodnews
#upcycling meets #fashion for earth.
We recently supported the initiative of a #startup with a #solution for #fastfashion (they where also on @ZDF TV).
#Today we discovered this #sportive #sustainable collection:
@Adidas supports the #sustainable #KseniaSchnaider label from Ukraine.
More: @lucire https://lucire.com/insider/20230627/adidas-original-teams-up-with-sustainable-ukrainian-label-kseniaschnaider/
#cool #upcycling products are part of the #solution for #generationrestoration
#yesWEAID #circulareconomy #cosy #comfy #followfriday #vogue #style #news
#cosy #News #style #Vogue #FollowFriday #comfy #circulareconomy #yesweaid #generationrestoration #cool #kseniaschnaider #Sustainable #sportive #today #fastfashion #solution #startup #fashion #upcycling #goodnews
Gefälschte Markenkleidung - Die Rache der Prolls
„NGOs wie Clean Cloth Campaign berichten immer wieder, dass viele Designermarken, beispielsweise Hugo Boss, in denselben Fabriken im globalen Süden produzieren lassen wie billige Handelsketten.“
#markenkleidung #ngo #mode #fastfashion #nachhaltigkeit #arbeitsbedingungen
#Markenkleidung #ngo #mode #fastfashion #nachhaltigkeit #arbeitsbedingungen