Wanted a moderately light snack before the train, so went for a #lahmacun. Two options: normal and deluxe. Since I deserve only the best in life, naturally I went for the deluxe, thinking it would include veggies and some feta.
It. Was. A. Durum. But with the wrap replaced by a lahmacun.
There goes my appetite for dinner, but it was worth it for the sheer KNOWLEDGE I now possess.
"The franchising model of most #fastfood outlets shields major brands like Subway, Burger King and McDonald’s from legal responsibility for their workers, because they are directly employed by individual franchise owners, not the corporate parent. Meanwhile, franchisees shield their investment from legal claims by operating restaurants using multiple LLCs. Franchised restaurants that exploit this structure to breach #labor laws." https://capitalandmain.com/california-fast-food-restaurants-take-advantage-of-wage-law-loophole
Ich bin an einem Punkt angekommen, wo ich mich vor Fast Food Restaurants ekel.
😎 Західні компанії! Швидко виходьте з ринку русні й вашим безплатним промоутером стане Держсекретар США!
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Кулеба і Блінкен відвідали київський McDonald’s — фото, відео https://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/foto-i-video-kuleba-i-blinken-vidvidali-kijivskiy-mcdonald-s-novini-ukrajini-50351752.html
#us #ukraine #fastfood #sanctions
Why I hate #fastfood (2.)
Walking my dog in the morning, we encounter fast food packaging strewn on the road. Careless car occupants eat crap food and then dump their litter out the window. They can't even be bothered to put it in a bin.
I am bothered. I put it in the bin.
#fastfood #australia #packaging #marketing #capitalism #nature
Why I hate #fastfood. (1.)
Rockpools adjacent to a National Park on beautiful Umina Beach and some idiot leaves a #McDonalds plastic milkshake container right in the rocks. This wasn't washed up by the tide; this still had milkshake in it, so it was placed there by some uncaring hand. Why do some people have such little respect for the wonders of nature?
(And yes, I "disposed" of it; i.e. sent it out of sight towards landfill. How many millions of these plastic containers are littering the earth? We can do better than this, I think.)
#plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
#fastfood #mcdonalds #plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
Unglaublich, aber doch erlaubt: Konzerne wie Coca Cola zahlen Millionen an junge Influencer:innen. Im Gegenzug posieren sie, jung und cool, auf Social Media mit Coke, Fanta und Co. Ernährungsminister Cem Özdemir will genau solche Manipulation von Kindern verbieten. Wer blockiert? Die FDP. Unterschreib bitte auch du den Aufruf an die Liberalen, damit sie den Weg freimachen für echten Kinderschutz!
#kinder #Zucker #ernahrung #fastfood #konzerne #werbung
#meme #memes #cat #cats #caturday #hamburgers #fastfood #fastfoodwars #innoutburgers
Burger King is set to face a lawsuit that alleges the fast food giant misled customers by displaying its Whopper burger as larger on its menus than it is in reality.
#BurgerKing #FastFood #USCourt #WhopperBurger #Lawsuit #WorldNews
#burgerking #fastfood #uscourt #whopperburger #lawsuit #worldnews
I don't know, I've had a Whopper or two in my time, and yea, that advertising does make it look better than it really is. Just saying as a regular person (which is what the one judge argued for).
>Burger King faces legal claim over size of Whopper https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66654440
#BadEconomy #lawsuits #news #legal #fastfood
At the #Helsinki train station, they have one of the most ornate and beautiful #BurgerKing restaurants.
#helsinki #burgerking #travel #fastfood
Don't complain about fast food #comics #comicstrips #complaining #fastfood #restaurants #self-righteous #ants https://rooniecomics.com/comics/fast-food/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=rooniecomics
#comics #comicstrips #complaining #fastfood #restaurants #self #ants
Eben gab es lecker Camembert Burger 🍔 als Zwischensnack / Mittagessen (für mich Mittagessen 😁). Die sind ausgestattet mit Wildpreiselbeeren (doppelt), einer sauren Apfelscheibe (entkernt), Salat und rote Zwiebelringe, sehr lecker 👌.
#essen #kochen #burger #camembert #kase #fastfood
Möchte an dieser Stelle nochmal dafür Awareness schaffen, dass bei meine #FastFood Abstimmung die Kroketten nur lausige 8% geholt haben und ich jetzt auch der Meinung, dass ein tiefer Riss durch unsere Gesellschaft geht!
#boomerissimo #mcdonalds #fastfood #mcdrive #ronaldmcdonald
TheOnion: Perdue Pledges To Plant One Chicken For Every Chicken Sold https://www.theonion.com/perdue-pledges-to-plant-one-chicken-for-every-chicken-s-1850748810?utm_source=regular #poultryfarmingintheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #agricultureinmaryland #salisburymaryland #poultryfarming #chickenasfood #chickennugget #kevinmcadams #perduefarms #chickenfeet #meatpackers #fastfood #chicken #perdue
#poultryfarmingintheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #agricultureinmaryland #salisburymaryland #poultryfarming #chickenasfood #chickennugget #kevinmcadams #perduefarms #chickenfeet #meatpackers #fastfood #chicken #perdue
Don’t think I’ll ever order a milkshake at a hamburger joint ever again after the revelation that ‘Poorly cleaned ice cream machines tied to three listeria deaths in Washington” - #Fastfood #Listeria https://www.npr.org/2023/08/22/1195207118/listeria-frugals-milkshakes-tacoma-three-dead