Doppler Speed Sensor Puts FFT and AGC to Work - Some people hate to revisit projects that are done and dusted. We get that; it’s a... - #fastfouriertransform #radiohacks #stm32f031 #doppler #max9814 #cdm324 #radar #acg #fft
#fft #acg #radar #cdm324 #max9814 #doppler #stm32f031 #radiohacks #fastfouriertransform
Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
This visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West #fastfouriertransform #signalprocessing #SoftwareHacks #ArduinoHacks #optimisation #trigonometry #IEEE754 #julia #fft
#fastfouriertransform #signalprocessing #SoftwareHacks #ArduinoHacks #optimisation #trigonometry #IEEE754 #julia #fft
The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West - An interesting aspect of time-varying waveforms is that by using a trick called a ... - #fastfouriertransform #signalprocessing #softwarehacks #arduinohacks #optimisation #trigonometry #ieee754 #julia #fft
#fft #julia #ieee754 #trigonometry #optimisation #arduinohacks #softwarehacks #signalprocessing #fastfouriertransform
The Most Important #Algorithm Of All Time
#Veritasium #Physics #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Fourier #FastFourierTransform #FFT #SignalAnalysis #DSP #DigitalSignalProcessing #DiscreteFourierTransform #DFT
#DFT #discretefouriertransform #digitalsignalprocessing #dsp #signalanalysis #fft #fastfouriertransform #fourier #mathematics #math #maths #physics #veritasium #algorithm