4 years of fasting on Fridays for the climate crisis. 4 years of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the climate emergency.
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #Wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow
#flyingless #drivingless #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #flyingless #drivingless #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Children will learn about fasting and the benefits that it has both physically and spiritually. They will discover the different kinds of fasts through examples and what is true fasting.
Joel 1:14
Consecrate a fast, Proclaim a solemn assembly; Gather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land To the house of the Lord your God, And cry out to the Lord.
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #fasting #Danielfast #40DaysFast #21daysfastofDaniel #fastingforchildren #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #barnesandnoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #Kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #bookclub #bookclubreads #books
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #fasting #Danielfast #40DaysFast #21daysfastofDaniel #fastingforchildren #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #BarnesandNoble #teaching #bibleteaching #ebook #kobo #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #childrenbooklover #kids #worldwidebooklover #kindlebooklovers #bookpromotion #bookreader #bookreadingclub #BookClub #bookclubreads #books
Fästingjakt med P1 morgon igår. Med en vit fleecefilt samlade jag på ett par minuter in ett femtiotal fästingar.
Fästingar suger blod tre gånger, först som larv (de två nere till vänster), sedan som nymf (den ner till höger), och slutligen som vuxen (de två övre, hona till vänster och hane till höger). Hanen är inklippt, den fick jag inte med fleecen, utan den satte sig fast under byxlinningen under kvällens svamptur.
#fästing #ixodes #ixodesricinus
#ixodesricinus #ixodes #fasting
Time to do woke stuff like fasting. An 8 hour fast will get the bloat out.
I'm a cradle #Catholic. I did all the stuff (Baptism, Fist Communion, Confirmation) as a wee lad. I was born here all my life. When I was around four years old, the church kicked out my mom and, by extension, my family. I explored other faiths, #meditation, #yoga, #Buddhism, and all the things. I wanted to not convert to a religion or practice that I had not been born to or wasn't otherwise ancestrally connected. I explored Protestant fellowships but soon began seeking "the deeper things" back in the lives of saints. This led to a deep dive into the #EarlyChurch Fathers and early church history. Entering the #OrthodoxChurch, I lived in several monasteries and wandered around the US like the guy in Way of a Pilgrim. I was ultimately drawn to #Theosis and the #PrayerOfTheHeart, sometimes called the #JesusPrayer. That church became tedious as well. Long story short, decades later, a pandemic, and a few ends of the world here I am. I recently stumbled across a podcast called the #PopeFrancisGeneration. I'm intrigued. I am listening. Let's see where my current studies lead.
Some of my interests:
#NewMexico #Ogapoge #SantaFe #SantaFeRiver #Water #Birds #Plants #Medicine #Hiking #Walking #NaturePhotography #Biophilia #Wilderness #Rewild #Rewilding #Regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #UniversalDesign #RegenerativeAg #RegenAg #AppropriateTechnology #Contemplation #Hesychasm #Prayer #Ancestors #Death #Dying #Grief #DeathDoula #DeathAdvocacy #Apophatic #RadicalCompassion #Compassion #SocialJustice #PublicHealth #SocialWork #EnvironmentalJustice #DisabilityRights #HealthEquity #Recovery #RecoveryPosse #Drawing #Writing #VisualThinking #WriteToThink #Journal #BulletJournal #SystemsChange #Humanrights #Inclusion #Accessability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #DisabilityVoice #RacialEquality #PublicHealth #Grief #Hospice #Humanrights #Food #Health #Fasting #Calsthenics #Movement
I'll continue to post interest hashtags in this thread to be.
#catholic #meditation #yoga #buddhism #earlychurch #orthodoxchurch #theosis #jesusprayer #popefrancisgeneration #newmexico #ogapoge #santafe #santaferiver #water #birds #plants #medicine #hiking #walking #naturephotography #biophilia #wilderness #rewild #rewilding #regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #universaldesign #regenerativeag #regenag #appropriatetechnology #ancestors #death #dying #grief #Hospice #deathdoula #deathadvocacy #radicalcompassion #compassion #socialjustice #publichealth #socialwork #environmentaljustice #disabilityrights #HealthEquity #drawing #writing #visualthinking #writetothink #journal #bulletjournal #systemschange #humanrights #inclusion #accessability #invisibledisabilityrights #disabilityvoice #racialequality #food #health #fasting #calsthenics #movement #introduction #introductions #prayeroftheheart #contemplation #prayer #hesychasm #apophatic #recovery #recoveryposse
If more people fasted, ate less junk, and exercised regularly, diseases, and medications would go extinct. #fasting #healthcare
This morning: ok got to get out the door to my scan #Fasting #NoMeds #NailedIt
Me: I am looking for my red and orange pill strips. The orange one most urgently.
@AlexSeanchai are these the ones in the bowl in the sink?
Me: uh
why yes
thank you
A: dare I ask why they were in the sink?
Me: Because I had loaded them into the bowl to take out of the bedroom
then forgot entirely that they were in there
then sailed out the door in blissful supposition that I had everything I needed with me.
I've been pretty much #sober since May or so (go me!). Consequently I eat a lot more; #cannabis kills my appetite oddly. I start to gain weight and feel lethargic, so I do #fasting for a day or two every few weeks. It's interesting to note how similar the effect of starving is to #substanceAbuse #withdrawal psychologically. Cravings keep seeping out of my subconscious; urges to go find something that can fill the hormonal vacuum.
#withdrawal #SubstanceAbuse #fasting #cannabis #sober
7 days of dry #fasting. I made it! I thought I broke on day 8, but remembered the phoenix protocol breaks on day 7. And like discovering its Friday when you thought it was Thursday, I could not be happier. I teared up cause I was struggling and another 24 hours felt like climbing everest. Lost 25 pounds in a week. Luckily half of that is water weight and will bounce right back. And now for the greatest glass of water ever in existence. Thanks for the support!
#fasting #chronicillness #guthealth #healing
Dawn of day 6 of 7 days of dry #fasting. 48 hours remain. That glass of water and coconut water is going to be orgasmic. If there is a heaven, I believe it's cold showers on a dry fast.
#fasting #chronicillness #guthealth #healing #zelda #majorasmask