#fastled tree light update. We made a couple of days without anyone suggesting more than the initial patterns, but got a few more today.
First was to increase the brightness to make it more visible during the day. We had originally set the brightness to 20% to protect against user error/bugs and drawing too much current.
#fastled tree light update. We made a couple of days without anyone suggesting more than the initial patterns, but got a few more today.
First was to increase the brightness to make it more visible during the day. We had originally set the brightness to 20% to protect against user error/bugs and drawing too much current.
Another #led project that'll likely happen soon is a replacement for our sunrise alarm clock that has died. We tried a replacement, but it's just not bright enough to wake us from slumber.
The preliminary implementation will probably be #zigbee outlet triggered by a timer from #homeassistant that powers an #Arduino and #fastled strip of addressable leds.
#fastled #Arduino #homeassistant #zigbee #led
Another #led project that'll likely happen soon is a replacement for our sunrise alarm clock that has died. We tried a replacement, but it's just not bright enough to wake us from slumber.
The preliminary implementation will probably be #zigbee outlet triggered by a timer from #homeassistant that powers an #Arduino and #fastled strip of addressable leds.
#fastled #Arduino #homeassistant #zigbee #led
This year is the first time putting programmable (addressable) leds on our tree 🎄. Previous years were just an outside decoration.
The immediate benefit to this was to create a boring program to start, get the kids to suggest improvements, and walk them through the code changes.
So far the tree has been improved to do:
1) 60 seconds of a rainbow that alternately lights odd and even bulbs.
2) 60 seconds of lighting a random bulb a random color and fading it to black.
This year is the first time putting programmable (addressable) leds on our tree 🎄. Previous years were just an outside decoration.
The immediate benefit to this was to create a boring program to start, get the kids to suggest improvements, and walk them through the code changes.
So far the tree has been improved to do:
1) 60 seconds of a rainbow that alternately lights odd and even bulbs.
2) 60 seconds of lighting a random bulb a random color and fading it to black.
This is my friend in street-clothes, no makeup, no costume. And afterwards she's like "Oh, wow, I felt so awesome looking at those shots" just seeing how cool I made the everyday version of herself look because that's the power of portraiture... in the days of yore that was something only the most privileged would have access to.
I used my Adafruit Feather M4 based light staff with some custom FastLED coding and a 144 APA102 LED strip with a bunch of 3D printed parts.
Rib Cage Lamp Kicks It Up A Notch With Party Mode - We think [Michelle]’s sound-reactive rib cage lamp turned out great, and the photo... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/01/rib-cage-lamp-kicks-it-up-a-notch-with-party-mode/ #soundreactive #anatomical #microphone #ledhacks #ledstrip #fastled #inmp44i #ribcage #esp32 #art
#art #esp32 #ribcage #inmp44i #fastled #ledstrip #ledhacks #microphone #anatomical #soundreactive
Rib Cage Lamp Kicks It Up A Notch With Party Mode
#soundreactive #anatomical #microphone #LEDHacks #ledstrip #fastLED #INMP44I #ribcage #ESP32 #Art #art
#soundreactive #anatomical #microphone #LEDHacks #ledstrip #fastled #INMP44I #ribcage #esp32 #art
noise algorithms for new led animations
#WillpowerStudios #LightFace #wearabletech #fastled