I always try to keep it simple. This comes often with speed. And the dependency hell? Well, some of my packages have many dependencies. Unfortunately. Often not really needed. At least from my more experienced perspective. Guess they could be faster.
Lot's of my R work/knowledge dates back to 2003. Maybe, because of this I considere more often the base approach.
BTW, have you heard about the #fastverse ?
{collapse} v1.9.5 is released - with a limited set of SIMD instructions. As of last week, collapse has been downloaded 1 million times from CRAN. I thus wrote a post reflecting on the past, present state and future of #rcollapse and #fastverse in #rstats: https://sebkrantz.github.io/Rblog/2023/04/12/collapse-and-the-fastverse-reflecting-the-past-present-and-future/
I've created a small video tutorial about the new global argument default settings and OpenMP multithreading in {collapse}: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne4Es2_9r5A #rstats #rcollapse #fastverse
@sebkrantz Is #magrittr still needed in the #fastverse (https://fastverse.github.io/fastverse/articles/fastverse_intro.html) as of R >= 4.2? At least, the example is %>% and |> combined. 🤔
#rcollapse 1.9 has been released to CRAN, providing greater performance and versatility in almost every domain, alongside new functionality such as grouped & weighted sample quantiles (in C) pushing the frontiers of #rstats. News: https://sebkrantz.github.io/collapse/news/index.html#collapse-190 #fastverse #DataScience
#rcollapse #rstats #fastverse #datascience