Former #Mississippi #Cop Fatally #Shoots 15-Year-Old Teenager Who Was Dating His Daughter
Cornelius McGee Jr. was #fatallyshot while fleeing the #officer’s house since the daughter’s father was not a proponent of the relationship
#ACAB #FTP #cops #pigs
#mississippi #cop #shoots #fatallyshot #officer #acab #ftp #cops #pigs
The #parents of a #RedDeer man who was #FatallyShot by #police this week say there was no reason for #RCMP to have used #LethalForce against their son.
“I wish we had never called the police,” a tearful Jane Deon told the Advocate, a day after her 33-year-old son, Derek Deon, was shot three times by an officer while in his downstairs bedroom.
#Alberta #Canada #DefundRCMP #DefundthePolice #PoliceReform #MentalHealthcareReform
#parents #reddeer #fatallyshot #police #rcmp #lethalforce #alberta #canada #defundrcmp #DefundThePolice #policereform #MentalHealthcareReform