TheOnion: Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ Cut From ‘Greatest Hits’ Album For Younger Audiences #entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #fatbottomedgirls #mauricepanfilio #greatesthits #meghensley #robbarnes
#entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #fatbottomedgirls #mauricepanfilio #greatesthits #meghensley #robbarnes
‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ dropped from Queen’s Greatest Hits collection over #wokeness - | 🙄🙄🙄| #Queen #FatBottomedGirls #music #woke #politicalcorrectness
#wokeness #queen #fatbottomedgirls #music #woke #politicalcorrectness
"Bicycle Race" is a song by the British rock band #Queen. It was released on their 1978 album #Jazz and written by Queen's lead singer #FreddieMercury. It was released as a #doubleAside single together with the song "#FatBottomedGirls", reaching number 11 in the #UKSinglesChart and number 24 in the Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The song is included in their 1981 #GreatestHits compilation.
#queen #jazz #freddiemercury #doubleaside #fatbottomedgirls #uksingleschart #greatesthits
I saw it on the Internet so it *must* be true!!
#FatBottomedGirls #Queen #UntrueFacts #BadScience
#Humor #Meme #Joke #Jokes
#Funny #Humour #LOL
#fatbottomedgirls #queen #untruefacts #badscience #Humor #meme #joke #jokes #funny #humour #lol
I got #FatBottomedGirls playing in my head cause this morning I'm craving some #DeathBySnuSnu action
#fatbottomedgirls #deathbysnusnu