#FateAKAChicken is 16.5 years old and this week, I have wondered if she is experiencing some age-related hearing loss. Some of the sounds that used to really freak her out (like the water turning on if she's near the faucet and the sound of cardboard boxes shifting) no longer seem to faze her.
So all week, I've been walking around the apartment trying to garner a reaction to various sounds.
Turns out, she absolutely can hear well. She's just out of fucks.
"I see that you're trying to leave the apartment without white cat hair on your shirt. Let me help you with that."
Opened the balcony door to get some air flow since it still stinks in here and Fate went all Jack Skellington on me. #FateAKAChicken
tfw the cat gets into your lap by slowly clawing her way up your leg instead of jumping #FateAKAChicken
Anyway #FateAKAChicken slept between J and me all night (at head-level), which was great but also meant I got a third of the bed and J got half because the cat beat us to laying down.
#FateAKAChicken is hiding behind the mini fridge so this is going to be a fun morning
@alexcox I use hashtags for each of mine, if you ever need more virtual chaos in your life:
#sirsqueakertonthefirst #ravenbaby #fateakachicken
Squeaks was in the office with J for most of the afternoon and Fate was loving it—she just sprawled the heck out on the cat tree without any threat of encroachment. For hours.
"You're just loving it without the stinky boy in here, aren't you?" I asked.
But apparently "stinky boy" and "Squeaky Boy" sound a lot alike and I summoned him 🥴
#sirsqeakertonthefirst #fateakachicken
Was going though pics and found this one from 2018; this was in our first Seattle apartment while we were still unpacking. #FateAKAChicken