For #SeptembeRPG #SeptemberRPG #SeptembeRPG2023 5 I have some thoughts.
When I began DMing I tried to railroad and not railroad at the same time. I tried to guide into scenes as good as I could without forcing a lot.
Until I forced a scene really bad.
And I went into the other point and I finished into #PbtA and then I learnt how not to prepare and I got used and comfy by not preparing.
But I felt not so right sometimes.
I felt lost, but could not say how or why.
Recently I found #TrophyDark and #TrophyGold #FateOfCthulhu #CarvedFromBrindlewood ...
Ways to prepare not tight at all, but having some kind of prep.
And it clicked si well. I have DM'd things like #BlackSwordHack by facing the prep as a Trophy incursion, for exemple.
And that is the greatest change I've got: learning how to prep as it fits with my DMing
#septemberpg #septemberrpg #septemberpg2023 #pbta #trophydark #trophygold #fateofcthulhu #carvedfrombrindlewood #blackswordhack
@augustusvalentinus great fan. This year we performed a #FateofCthulhu short campaign with @piedrapapeld20 and I GMed a oneshot in a pulp earlys XXs setting.
Last Campaings Run :
#UrbanShadows meets #Monsterhearts2 (2 Timelines, 2 rulesets, parallel narration in alternative sessions)
#FateOfCthulhu (homebrew Old One)
In the midterms of Campaings
Next Campaings to Run :
#TheSpire a homebrew seed called Elevator to Heaven
#urbanshadows #monsterhearts2 #fateofcthulhu #thirstyswordlesbians #thespire #taura