I'm 90% ready for #GamesOnDemand at #BigBadCon
I'm offering two #ttrpg sessions, each featuring either #PsiRun or #FateRPG
What are you playing / running?
#gamesondemand #BigBadCon #ttrpg #PsiRun #faterpg
I am way behind turning my GM notes for my 2nd Fate of Cthulhu #ttrpg timeline into a publication format.
But it's there. In my notes and my head. And I can't wait to put it into your hands based on the feedback from every table that played it.
Hi Everyone! If any of you are planning on going to @bigbadcon, I'll be running two ESPionage one-shots. "The King in Giallo" on Sep 29th at 2pm and "Sunny Days and Rain" on Sep 30th at 2pm.
Giallo is my most Flemming adventure, and Rain takes inspiration from The Prisoner.
#TTRPG #FateRPG #BigBadCon #TableTopRPG #TableTopRolePlaying #TableTopRolePlayingGame
#ttrpg #faterpg #bigbadcon #tabletoprpg #tabletoproleplaying #tabletopRolePlayingGame
ESPionage Dev Log:
Page 38, The Voice from the Van.
Functionally like the Deep Throat character from X-Files, The Voice can be dropped into any campaign, providing long term or temporary assistance.
I've considered recording episodes of his shortwave radio show.
The ESPionage early look is looking for play testers.
Get the free PDF on Discord: https://discord.gg/SHRuY5w9tq
#TTRPG #FateRPG #ESPionageDevLog #TableTopRPG #TableTopRolePlaying #TableTopRolePlayingGame #RPGDevLog #RPGDev
#ttrpg #faterpg #espionagedevlog #tabletoprpg #tabletoproleplaying #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpgdevlog #rpgdev
My favourite game at the moment is Savage Worlds, but I ran a game of Fate Core last night for two first-timers and I was reminded of just how magic that game is when people just *get it.*
I was lucky, two players I hadn't run for before were FANTASTIC, but the system really added to the mix.
20 will still play in 20 years time…
#Numenera / #CypherSystem , #TheBetween und andere carved from Brindlewood Spiele und #FateRPG werden da auf jeden Fall noch dabei sein.
#RPGaDay #pnpde #ttrpg (20/31)
#numenera #cyphersystem #thebetween #faterpg #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg
20 will still play in 20 years time…
#Numenera / #CypherSystem , #TheBetween und andere carved from Brindlewood Spiele und #FateRPG werden da auf jeden Fall noch dabei sein.
#RPGaDay #pnpde #ttrpg (20/31)
#numenera #cyphersystem #thebetween #faterpg #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg
@BigJackBrass @mhd There seem to be a lot of systems these days, Fate as already mentioned, but also Index Card RPG, Knave, Savage World's and others that market themselves as tool kits to be built on, modded, and have bits taken from, so I would say hacking game mechanics is more of a thing now than ever.
Even more so with so many people making their own indie RPGs now.
#ttrpg #gamehacking #icrpg #savageworldsrpg #knaverpg #faterpg
#ttrpg #gamehacking #icrpg #savageworldsrpg #knaverpg #faterpg
17 Funniest Game you played
Auf die Gefahr hin mich zu wiederholen #SeaDracula ist definitiv auch das lustigste Spiel, das ich gespielt habe. Wobei auch in diversen Runden #FateRPG und #DCC kein Auge trocken blieb :D
#RPGaDay #pnpde #ttrpg (17/31)
#seadracula #faterpg #dcc #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg
Right now, I'm really enjoying #FateRPG, Scum & Villainy, Psi*Run, and Oh Maker.
I also enjoy MotW, and would like to run or play (if I can find the time):
- Derelict Delvers
- Star Hold
- Stone Burner
- Trophy Dark
- Blades in the Dark
- Court of Blades
🕵️ Psst! The #AscellanConspiracy is on sale @DriveThruRPG, along with many other Cosmic Horror titles.
In this #FateofCthulhu Timeline, trade Eldritch Gods for an alien invasion spanning a century.
With Alien DNA raging through their veins, your Resistance agents must disrupt 4 key events in the past – with the ultimate goal of preventing First Contact in 1932.
Requires the Fate of Cthulhu rules by @evilhat
#CosmicHorror #ttrpgs #FateRPG
#ascellanconspiracy #FateofCthulhu #cosmichorror #ttrpgs #faterpg
@dioux70 As someone who has started running his own #iHunt campaign for friends, I’d like to assure you that it’s a pretty straightforward take on #FateRPG (albeit the newer Condensed rule set) with reskinned skills and a bunch of available monstrous and magical Extras to give the action some heft.
#iHunt is, like most #Fate games, rife with dramatic possibilities, but at the same time it’s thematically very focused drama around near-poverty among other things.
@InfernalTeddy I was just thinking about #Toon as a candidate for the upcoming "funniest" #RPG, having played it 30ish years ago.
I think I'd now run it with #FateRPG. It could keep the classic Muscles/Zip/Moxie/Chutzpah as the skills (minimal #FateAccelerated-style). Fate "Conditions" (temporary aspects from getting hurt etc.) seem more cartoon-y than hit points anyway. And those toons are always getting into trouble from their instincts/nature ("aspect compels"). I think it has potential...
#toon #rpg #faterpg #fateaccelerated
@glitchontwitch @rivetgeek it’s clear now, thanks. The #FateRPG system in general can do that just fine.
The #iHunt game kind of frowns on it, since it’s committed to tell the stories of ordinary, economically embarrassed people. The provided monster “gifts” can be prohibitively expensive for anyone who isn’t explicitly and irrevocably a monster (monsters can get a SCARY load of stuff).
All that said, the iHunt rulebook p.179 describes how it could happen. 1/2
@glitchontwitch @rivetgeek (If you have #FateRPG questions, please ask. I’m no Rob Hanz, but I know my way around the system and can answer all sorts of technical questions about it.)
@glitchontwitch @rivetgeek #iHunt stretches the #FateRPG paradigm by introducing four "classes" of stunt (called "kinks"). "Phooeys" (tech-heads) are one of those classes. The other three are "Knights" (fighters), "Evileenas" (magic-dabblers), and "The 66" (influencers). More may be house-ruled, but those four feature most prominently in the book.
You'll find the biggest difference between #MotW and #iHunt is that the latter has a powerful "capitalism is the monster we should be fighting" vibe.
Tag 8 " Favourite Character“
Mein Lieblingscharakter muss Zhamas Xor sein – der 61. seines Namens, Erhabener Erbe zweiten Ranges des träumenden Hauses Ellarion, Dekadenter Kartograph der schillernden Sphären von Lar, Exaltierter Gefährte der Unersättlichen Shalossa-Nhur.
Ein begabter Daemonologe, interdimensionaler Kartograph und gesuchtes schwarzes Schaf des imperialen Adels. Ich habe ihn in der Spielwelt von #Malmsturm mit #FateRPG gespielt
#malmsturm #faterpg #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #pnpde