South African Rand Plunges to New 2023 Low Versus the US Dollar - Just a few weeks after tapping its best exchange rate versus the greenback in 2023... - #electricityshortages #kgosientshoramokgopa #randdepreciation #cyrilramaphosa #fatfgreylist #usdollar #africa
#africa #usdollar #fatfgreylist #cyrilramaphosa #randdepreciation #kgosientshoramokgopa #electricityshortages
South Africa Added to FATF ‘Grey List’ Despite Designation of Crypto as a Financial Product - In a move seen as a major setback for South Africa, the international financial wa... - #internationalmonetaryfund(imf) #southafricanreservebank(sarb) #financialasset #cryptoassets #fatfgreylist #africa
#africa #fatfgreylist #cryptoassets #financialasset #southafricanreservebank #internationalmonetaryfund