So will the Vatican show what enormous hypocrites they are by canonising Father Bob?
Or will he just refuse to perform miracles?
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog," Father Bob said.
@annettamallon Oh no! TWO much loved Australians gone from our lives within days of each other! #BarryHumphries #FatherBob #Australia
#barryhumphries #fatherbob #australia
"It is striking how few high-profile conservatives have expressed any feelings at all at the passing of this emblem of Christian virtues, who dedicated his life to helping the vulnerable. It is also notable, as Rachel Withers noted yesterday, the nerve of sitting Labor politicians expressing their awe at his life’s work, when a rounding error in the money they’ve dedicated to building war readiness could raise unemployment benefits above the poverty level and make some of that work far less urgent."
#FatherBob #RaiseTheRate #AusPol
#fatherbob #raisetherate #auspol
Oh. After over a day not being online much, I come this evening to that thing we all dread. That trending name...
Vale, Father Bob.
Another sad day for a nation that sorely lacks people of Father Bob's character and calibre.
I do not think Van Badham will be alone in calling on Bob's intercession.
#fatherbob #valefatherbob #fatherbobmaguire
What would #FatherBob do?
#labor #poverty #homelessness #auspol
#fatherbob #labor #poverty #homelessness #auspol
Will Father Bob get a lavish Funeral like his former boss Pell? The church will probably fast track his sainthood now so they can profit from him #fatherbob
“Father Bob Maguire remembered as a 'great man' who devoted his life to society's least fortunate”
#FatherBob - a man who knew the meaning of Christianity - and lived it
We all knew this was coming, but what a battler he was.
Rest in Peace Father Bob, you've earned it.
wonder if #DanielAndrews will consider a state funeral for #FatherBob ? i would vote for that - if only to send a message to the catholic church that many of us respect people for what they do, or try to do, NOT based on their rank, or the BS they only pretend to believe.
(at the very least, it might get up Peter Comensoli’s nose)
John Safran, who's had countless collaborations with Father Bob over the years on TV and radio, said this of his recently departed friend:
What was Father Bob like privately? Somehow kinder and funnier than he was publicly. We somehow ‘fought’ nonstop from the moment the record button was pressed in 2004, through documentaries, radio shows and books, right through to filming this year, but we never once fought. More than being kind in broad brushstrokes, he was kind in small ways. When an elderly congregant couldn’t catch the Collingwood matches, he organised tapes from Channel 7 that he would slip to her, along with the Eucharist wafer, during communion. Bob was wise as Buddha. He attracted all manner of outcasts, not all pleasant, but he was open hearted to those people too. I asked him how did this and he said, “You don’t have to like people to love them.” I send condolences and compassion to Bob’s niece Peta who looked after him in his difficult final stretch, and to all his family and friends. When filming, it was an editor’s nightmare to cut from the shot before I'd burst out laughing each time Bob finished a sentence. I never thought Bob would ever stop making me laugh, but with the sad news of today, he finally has.
x John Safran
Vale Father Bob. You were such an inspiration to all of us in Melbourne. I'm not Catholic, yet I admired your commitment to our community. You were a beacon of hope to so many and were always ready to get in there and lend a hand.
I will never forget our lovely, long phone conversation about inter-faith acceptance and your willingness to speak with me with such respect and kindness, despite our polarising faiths.
Bless you Father Bob. May you rest in enteral happiness and continue to inspire the people you have left behind. You will be missed so very much 🙏💗
Joining the well deserved chorus to say Vale Father Bob
#FatherBob #CatholicChurch
#fatherbob #catholicchurch #australia
Shocked and distressed to hear of the passing of Father Bob Maguire. Rest in peace, #FatherBob. Thank you for everything you achieved and for everything that you inspired others to achieve.