@georgetakei since #FatNixon in his elevator shoes and candy-floss bouffant is noticeably shorter than various 6'2" athletes in sneakers with whom he's been photographed, I wouldn't bet a mortgage payment on him clearing 6' barefoot.
It sounds like the Fulton County Sheriff plans to fingerprint #FatNixon and take mugshots. I'll feel like Christmas morning as an 8-year-old if that happen! Frump will probably have an aneurysm. Can't wait to see what the mugshot looks like!
@mvario Meh. Typical weaksauce from #FatNixon. He thinks he can point back to this and say "Waaah! She cracked down on me because I quoted her" after he gets his fat ass caught actually trying to intimidate witnesses, which is what she rightly threatened him about. He'll keep pushing, and when he actually oversteps she needs to drop a house on the sweaty stuporous shitbird.
@lovelylovely It's hard to say which is the most ridiculous aspect of that photo... The idea that #FatNixon is righteous, that he's a warrior (of any kind) or that he could hold a sword aloft that wasn't made of plastic and filled with helium... That Brigitte Gabriel is quite the nutjob, I remember her counter-factual fabulism from the birdsite.
@surcomplicated @Popehat I can't imagine anyone's having any fun repping #FatNixon in any context, though...
@MeidasTouch A classy response to #FatNixon's classless, crass, false and defamatory attacks. I think he needs to lose another defamation suit. Fulton County could own Frump Tower and charge big bucks for renting him that gauche gilt gulag he calls an apartment.
Sad... I just listened to NPR letting Frump's "lawyer" John Lauro lie for about 7 minutes, and repeated lyrefer to #FatNixon as "President Trump" even though he has not deserved that title since noon on 20 January 2021. Their assertion that a grand jury indicting Frump for his many and varied crimes is political. Maybe he should get a cell next door to Dumb Donnie's... though I suppose Lauro isn't under oath.
@GottaLaff This, while #FatNixon is fleecing his small-dollar donors telling them he's winning in court. 🤣
@verdantsquare Word order is so important... for a second I thought #FatNixon tried again this week... 😎
From today's "enemy of my enemy" file: This morning, apparently in response to #Frump's rabid ravings on "truth" social, Rick Wilson said (among other things) that #FatNixon is a "low, loathsome, corrupt, venal, mendacious scumbag" and I think that's a great way to end the weekend. 💕
@horseface @HamonWry Parody account? Trump's DoJ charged Hillary with everything on which they could convict which was (checks notes) NOTHING. It wasn't because of #FatNixon giving her a pass.
@shawnwegner Lying credibility-free hack Bartiromo suddenly saying "reduced inflation bad!" is unsurprising. She's never had a position she can't reverse and there probably isn't a lie too ridiculous for her to tell. She's a FOX partisan Trump shill. If she has a soul, it's been withered to a vanishing point or sold to #FatNixon himself.
@davidtoddmccarty The REAL news is that #FatNixon didn't get cuffs or a mugshot, doesn't have to surrender his passport, post a bond or modify his personal travel. #PlutocratPrivilege
Scurrilous traitor Mark Levin thinks that being old should excuse you from criminal prosecution, apparently. He's fine with Trump's crimes, but thinks it's "disgusting" that the DoJ's prosecution of those crimes could result in #FatNixon dying in a federal prison.
@w7voa Why do people like Christie and Pence think they have a shot? Even if they could get around #Frump for the R nomination, they're each such detestable creeps they'd never win. They've been laughed out of this rodeo before. The only reason Pence got within a heartbeat of the presidency is that he has the special ability to fawn convincingly over #FatNixon and was too much of a worm to stab him in the back.
@shawnwegner One notes that no mention is made of #FatNixon denying the allegation, he's just angry at the leaker. 🤔
@nedhamson This is the best news I've seen since #FatNixon lost to E. Jean Carroll!