The #Psychology of Attraction in the #DigitalAge (#Attraction & #Media)
#appearance #grosphobie #fatphobia #swoleisbullshit #colourism #rewiringforbeauty #beautyideals #unrealisticstandards #media #selfworth
#Psych2Go #snaochatdysmorphia #psychology #digitalage #attraction #media #appearance #grosphobie #Fatphobia #swoleisbullshit #colourism #rewiringforbeauty #beautyideals #unrealisticstandards #selfworth #fatshaming
As per @MeidasTouch
After #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith requested that federal judge #TanyaChutkan not support Trump’s delay tactics, #DonaldTrump, unable to control his feelings like a mature adult, took to his #SocialMedia platform & between threatening his former #VP, #FatShaming his former colleague #ChrisChristie, & posting #QAnon memes, attacked Smith, calling him an “out of touch lunatic” & then wrote “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”
#J6 #Jan6 #Conspiracy #Insurrection
#jacksmith #tanyachutkan #donaldtrump #socialmedia #fatshaming #chrischristie #qanon #j6 #jan6 #conspiracy #insurrection #specialcounsel #vp
Accusing #Lizzo of #fatshaming is like accusing the kettle calling the pot black.
In this episode Brock and Brooks are joined by special guests Rob Wilds and David Gillam from The Anti Social Network. The guys chat about Lizzo, wrestling, and what passes as a bear in China. Enjoy. Watch it here ➡️ https://youtu.be/eJmx3MG57lA
#podcast #podcasts #popculture #news #comedy #lol #funny #lizzo #lizzosbiggrrrls #bananna #fatshaming #china #chinese #sunbear #bear #zoo #chinesezoo #professionalwrestling #wrestler #wrestlers #50th #youtube #spotify #twitch #subscibe
#podcast #podcasts #popculture #news #comedy #lol #funny #lizzo #lizzosbiggrrrls #bananna #fatshaming #china #chinese #sunbear #bear #zoo #chinesezoo #professionalwrestling #wrestler #wrestlers #50th #youtube #spotify #twitch #subscibe
It is normal to be fat-phobic. If you could choose between being ripped or obese, which would you choose? #obesity #fatshaming
Always remember: as long as there is fat-enabling around us, the obesity epidemic will never disappear. #obesity #fatshaming
Speak the f*ck up, be relentless, and watch as the obese you once knew transform into lean, thriving individuals. #fatshaming #courage
Authentic conversations, devoid of denial and sugar-coating, hold the power to transform lives. Step up and speak up. #fatshaming #courage
If you genuinely care about the people in your life, you must gather the courage to tell them they’re fat to their face. #fatshaming #courage
“Weight obsession is ruining people’s health.” Stoll 2023. #SomeMoreNews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lToSQeerP38
#FatShaming #Obesity #ObesityEpidemic #WeightGain #WeightLoss #BodyMassIndex #BMI #InEnglish
#somemorenews #fatshaming #obesity #obesityepidemic #weightgain #weightloss #bodymassindex #bmi #inenglish
I always felt that fat-shaming was far more sinister than just far shaming alone.
Fat shaming covers up the responsibility of public health officials to provide us with clean water, clean soil, and clean air. Fat shaming and disability shaming covers up what's really going on.
"PFAS are a family of ubiquitous synthetic chemicals that linger in the environment and the human body. PFAS exposure is linked to problems like cancer, obesity, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, decreased fertility, liver damage and hormone suppression, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency."
I need to stop doom scrolling as that won't help me heal 😭
#waterislife #fatshaming #environment #foreverchemicals #water #disability #ChronicIllness
@ostfriese @toottheologin
Manche Leute müssen sich abwertend abgrenzen, um sich besser zu fühlen. Argumente und Appelle für weniger Diskriminierung werden pathologisiert.
Gerade weil diese Diskriminierung auch dermaßen internalisiert ist, braucht es #bodypositivity .
Und zwar noch viel, viel mehr!
#fatshaming #FaktenstattHetze #bodypositivity
#Diskriminierung, #fatshaming und #lookism sind gesellschaftliche Probleme. Es gibt eine Menge Geld damit zu verdienen, dass wir uns schlecht fühlen.
#diskriminierung #fatshaming #lookism
This is one of the many reasons why people who insist #FatShaming is *good* for fat people are dead wrong.
No one at any bike shop, gym, pool, or sports store has ever made me feel bad about myself! But years of vicious comments on every article related to obesity have left me suspecting that everyone I encounter in the physcial world is secretly disgusted by me, and I’m making their day worse by existing in public. It does not make exercising *easier* lemme tell ya!
Wie gut, dass es nur eine Meinung ist. Da ist noch Raum, sich mit Fakten auseinanderzusetzen und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse wahrzunehmen.
Viel Erfolg! Du schaffst das!
#fatshaming #wissenschaft #bodypositivity
Es tut sich was. 🥳
Beim Titel schon das übliche Bashing, gerne geframed als "kritische Einordnung" ("aber die Gesundheit...!!"), und Belehrungen befürchtet.
Stattdessen ein durch und durch empathischer und respektvoller Beitrag. 👍👍👍
Danke dafür!
Besonderer Dank an die Engagierten!
#Gewicht #Diskriminierung #Scham #Beschämung #Medizin #Gesundheit #bodypositivity #fatshaming
Aus der #Dlf Audiothek | #Freistil | Dickes #Selbstbewusstsein | Die mit den Pfunden wuchern https://share.deutschlandradio.de/dlf-audiothek-audio-teilen.3265.de.html?mdm:audio_id=dira_DLF_633fb343
#Selbstbewusstsein #Freistil #dlf #fatshaming #bodypositivity #gesundheit #medizin #beschamung #scham #diskriminierung #gewicht
An episode of Bluey one day
Had parents complain in dismay
Of extra pounds gained
They all felt ashamed
So the scene was edited away
#bluey #childrenstv #fatshaming #bodypositivity #limerick #poetry
#bluey #childrenstv #fatshaming #bodypositivity #limerick #poetry