I need to start taking noods and lewds again.. when I used to take them regularly it did amazing things for my sense of self worth. It was really lovely to look at a picture of myself and actually LIKE it.
"The reality is that fat people are often supported in hating their bodies, in starving themselves, in engaging in unsafe exercise, and in seeking out weight loss by any means necessary. A thin person who does these things is considered mentally ill. A fat person who does these things is redeemed by them. This is why our culture has no concept of a fat person who also has an eating disorder. If you’re fat, it’s not an eating disorder — it’s a lifestyle change."
— Lesley Kinzel
#fatpositivity #fattgnc #allbodiesaregoodbodies
"While I don’t have a desire to participate in it, I feel like my fatness has excommunicated me from masculinity and perhaps gender as a whole. This complicates the journey for me, as someone whose gender feels at different times coerced, contextual, erased, invisible, absent, aspirational, and failing."
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
“The more I have experienced this the more that, in some ways, I feel like my fatness arrests my gender. Regardless of how I feel and how I view my gender, there are material limits to what gender my body is allowed or — more appropriately — disallowed to access."
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
“Further, Black queer gender non-conforming activists and scholars, most notably Saidiya Hartman, have theorized how gender is always already racialized.
Under colonialism, racialized and colonized people and Black folks especially are set against a white gender standard that we will always fail.
We are always set against white masculinity and white femininity, which are always already cis, muscular or thin and not disabled.”
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
“I think this analysis needs to extended to fatness, as well. What of people whose fatness produces a body where otherwise presumably obvious secondary sex characteristics become more ambiguous? Whose bodies challenge a presumably clear and defined binary of dichotomous and easily definable bodies?”
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
“Disabled, queer activists have already talked about the way that normative gender performances rely on a non-disabled body. That the gestures and posturing necessary to render a gender legible on a body rely on movements not available to everyone.”
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
"There are many activists today doing amazing work around breaking down gender and challenging the binary. This is amazing and necessary work.
But what gets left out of the conversation are all the subtle intracacies of a body beyond genitals and the secondary sex characteristics that gender rely on, like race, ability, body size and even shape."
from "The Gender Nonconformity of My Fatness" by Caleb Luna
#fattgnc #fatliberation #trans #fattransmastodon
"There are many activists today doing amazing work around breaking down gender and challenging the binary. This is amazing and necessary work. But what gets left out of the conversation are all the subtle intracacies of a body beyond genitals and the secondary sex characteristics that gender rely on, like race, ability, body size and even shape."
from "The Gender Nonconformity of My Fatness" by Caleb Luna
#fattgnc #fat #trans #fattransmastodon
fat tgnc* community is really hard to find on masto, even with the #fatliberation tag.
masto's fat tgnc communities aren't nearly as active or visible as on other social media sites.
so I plan to start using #fattransmastodon or #fattgnc to post content & communicate with fellow fat tgnc folks.
if you're not fat & tgnc, don't clutter the tag with thin or cis "ally" shit. you have the run of a fatphobic cissexist world, you can spare a hashtag!
*(tgnc- trans & gender nonconforming)
#fattgnc #fattransmastodon #fatliberation