Right foot: neutral pronation, left foot: over pronation.
My Fitness Journey - Shakes have replaced dinner. Whey protein, half a cup of whole milk, banana, 5 cashews, 5 almonds, a cup of oatmeal. Mix it all in a blender and down the hatch. I was hungry before the shake, I'm still hungry after the shake but that's all I get until breakfast tomorrow morning. #myFitnessJourney #shake #diet #foreverHungry #stopComplaining #firstWorldProblems #fatToFit
#myFitnessJourney #shake #diet #foreverhungry #stopcomplaining #firstworldproblems #fattofit
I seem to have been signed up to run a marathon....in the Himalayas. In two years. Let's get this done! #fattofit #myFitnessJourney
I've decided to put all my food and fitness updates, runs behind content warnings. Started on 30th October at 113.8kg, this morning I weighed in at 109.6kg. 4.2kg down; another 14.6kg to go to hit 95kg.
#diet #myFitnessJourney #fatToFit #Intermittentfasting
#diet #myFitnessJourney #fattofit #intermittentfasting
Plotting my second run later today. I split my big toenail a few days ago due to an incident with a table...the table won. Will have to strap it up. Let's do this. Have set my running plan up with the aim to do my 5k run by January 21. #running #couchto5k #fattofit #lessjiggle #icouldeatabaconsandwich #hungry #fasting
#running #couchto5k #fattofit #lessjiggle #icouldeatabaconsandwich #hungry #fasting
First time outside running in a long time. Legs felt like lead...that's what I get for leading the sedentary life style. This city is so damm polluted. I miss the fresh air of Ireland
Some advice: never let yourself get fat and lazy. https://strava.app.link/ZZ1E0ysRKub
#strava #garmin #fattofit #fitness #pain #somuchpain