Just realized I never pinned my #introduction after I moved to babka.social. Oops.
I am a #Reform #rabbi, a #lesbian in the #SFBayArea. #LGBTQrights #TransRights, #BlackLivesMatter, #DisabledRights #FatTorah are all important to me. I became a Jew as an adult. I hate closets because they corrode the soul.
I enjoy #knitting, #silentMovies, & #RescueDogs, especially #Poodles. I am #grateful for my family because I haven't always had one.
#introduction #reform #rabbi #lesbian #sfbayarea #lgbtqrights #transrights #blacklivesmatter #disabledrights #fattorah #knitting #silentmovies #rescuedogs #poodles #grateful