She's also a type 2 diabetic. If anything she is underweight. People gave her terrible advice on what to do while sick with the #fauciflu She said people kept telling her to stay in bed and rest. That is the opposite of what you need to do.
My 87 year old grandmother is approximately on day 6 of the #fauciflu I talked to her yesterday and she said she is feeling much better. She has been taking #vitaminD and been on blood thinners for a long time. She's also very active working in her yard and garden. She has done better with it than I did.
Pretty sure I made some of the same faces driving to the doctor to get tested for the #fauciflu when I had it. The toilet part was also pretty similar. For 2 weeks.
Imagine what the world would be like if the #fauciflu had a 10% mortality rate.
#stealthomicron LOL
"The symptoms of omicron and stealth omicron are identical. That means you likely won’t have loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath or lung damage.
“If you’re vaccinated, we don’t think it will send you to the hospital more than the regular omicron would,” Chin-Hong said."
Plenty of vaxed folks in the local hospital for the #fauciflu
@amerika There are a lot of incidental #fauciflu cases at the local hospital. I guess you will find it when you go looking for it.
Whether or not people believe that the #fauciflu is all fake, something is making a lot of people sick when supposed cases of it go up. From what I gather from my sources, people at the local hospital have never seen this kind of thing happen. Even with seasonal flu/colds.
The hospital admin$$$ love it, the people that have to work in it, not so much.
The local hospital is about to open the overflow beds because of the #fauciflu. ICU isn't full though. Only a few on vents. A lot different from when #delta came through in Aug/Sept.
"More signs emerged that the Omicron wave is taking a less serious human toll in Europe than earlier phases of the pandemic, while U.S. data showed daily average deaths from the disease exceeding the peak reached during the surge driven by the previously dominant Delta variant."
@Steven_A_Swan If the doc would have tested me that way when I had the #fauciflu, it would have been like popping a water balloon.
@Thalestria Hier hab ich schon mal eine geniale Überraschung... Warum sollte sich irgendjemand die Spritze gegen die Faucigrippe verpassen lassen, wenn es hochwirksame Wirkstoffe ohne Nebenwirkungen gibt? Ich sehe einen Advent eines großen Erwachens auf uns zukommen.
#CDL, #fauciflu, #AndreasKalcker, #advent, #FediAdventskalender21
#cdl #fauciflu #AndreasKalcker #advent #FediAdventskalender21
We are FED UP with this ínsanity. We will not bow down to the DELETE or the fauci flu. We will be victorious. We are many.
We unite in love and truth:
"I am God's Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love. In me is His creation sanctified and guaranteed eternal life. In me is love perfected, fear impossible, and joy established without opposite. I am the holy home of God Himself. I am the Heaven where His Love resides. I am His holy Sinlessness Itself, for in my purity abides His own."
#shout #HAKA #protest #riseup #delete #fauciflu
Challenging times are also times of great hope and help. We are not alone. Never. And the winds of change are strong as indicated in this incredibly exciting video...
I am soooooooooooo excited and happy.....
#riseup, #globalchange, #healing, #subversion, #delete, #fauciflu
#riseup #globalchange #healing #subversion #delete #fauciflu