@AlexJones It's still illegal to demand the wearing of a Face Diaper, because a Face Diaper is not a protective device that is approved by the FDA/NIOSH. It's still illegal to demand the wearing of a medical protective device in any Public Accommodation or in any unregulated facility. It's still illegal to restrict the movements of persons under the guise of a "health emergency." It's still illegal to demand a Medical Intervention for any person without at least a court order against a specific individual. Would everyone please resist these illegal and ridiculous demands by the Fauciites so that it's not just a handful of us doing the confrontations when our civil rights, statutory rights, and legitimate government regulations are being violated? #Scamdemic #Plandemic #StopComplying #Fauciites #Faucism
#scamdemic #Plandemic #StopComplying #Fauciites #faucism
#Faucism: Following the "Doctrine of Fauci" https://noqreport.com/2021/03/31/dr-andy-lazris-faucism-is-driving-this-nation-to-the-brink-with-unscientific-covid-policies/