anlomedad · @anlomedad
460 followers · 1881 posts · Server

Cool metareview writeup from 2011 (€)
or here:
It covers with regards to today's and due to ice loss and resulting crust rebound – and also due to from ice melt .

Tl;dr We're in for quakes, volcano eruptions, landslides and : all caused by ice loss... Not necessarily increased in numbers when looking at a long timespan like a century or so. But the events will be occurring in clusters – because all events will be having the same trigger: ice melt from ClimateChange, heinously brought to you by the people working at

Sea level rise itself only puts stress on a near-coastal or , causing faults to slip sooner which were already near-slipping, or volcanos to erupt sooner.
(But: what makes a fault to be near-slipping or volcanos to be near-eruption? Stress of course. And what increases stress on all coastal faults or volcanos, and simultaneously? Climate change of course. So... I'd actually suspect the number of events to be increasing, as well. )

Away from the coasts in the oceans, quietens fault lines and underwater volcanos due to the extra weight, the article says.
( is an underwater volcano, caused a tsunami January 2021, and increased water vapor in the Southern STRATOsphere by 5% .
Sea level rise?
And were the landslides / quakes that caused tsunamis in 2004 and 2011 far out in the ocean, or were they close enough to the coast to have been triggered by sea level rise? )

Also mentioned: the temporary de(!)crease in sea level by 20cm on Easter Island before an raises the monthly numbers from average 5 to 8 ^^

Once enough weight is lifted, dormant volcanos and dormant fault lines in will be triggered, the article says.
Crust rebound, quakes and volcanic eruptions from shedding ice is also particularly problematic in .

#climatechange #quakes #volcanism #sealevelrise #tsunami #exxon #shell #rwe #audi #porsche #mercedes #ford #renault #mitsubishi #toyota #lufthansa #klm #virginair #quantas #airnewzealand #faultline #volcano #slr #hungatonga #elnino #earthquake #antarctica #iceland

Last updated 2 years ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
39 followers · 325 posts · Server

Rejected: Regulatory Commission says California's proposal to maintain a type on a is too Diablo and won’t get billions in !

#nuclear #fukushima #reactor #faultline #subsidies

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Vastag · @brianvastag
753 followers · 707 posts · Server