Yes, we cottoned onto this many years ago, most is .

A brilliant documentary on how have been systematically transitioned from being an active '' to a docile '' is The Century Of The Self (/BBC, 2002).

It cover a suite of propaganda techniques used to for all manner of abuse by large .

#philanthropy #fauxlanthropy #thePeople #citizen #consumer #adamcurtis #engineerConsent #corporations

Last updated 1 year ago


We'd sign that , but is Cloudflare.

Taking into account what we've seen, is among the worst and most predatory in every space they touch.

Maybe he'll be so "touched by space" that he'll stay there.

#petition #changedotorg #amazon #fauxlanthropy #antitrust #monopoly #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 4 years ago

If a doesn't pay at least 50% in tax, but through , they should go into a database. At random one (or 2%) of these will have to pay 70% of their yearly in that country in tax or be .

Our namesake, , as part of his movement wanted the to pay they way.

He called for more on tax returns – to shame those , wealthy few.

#billionaire #laundersIdentity #philanthropy #billionaires #revenue #brokenUtp #DickSmith #FairGo #extremelyWealthy #transparency #greedy #fauxlanthropy #reverseLottery

Last updated 4 years ago