Charles Pierce on the new manufactured tantrum of Republicans about something that will never happen — government officials ripping your gas stoves from your kitchens:
"The House drew up a bill to prevent something that was never going to happen, because that's the way Republicans roll these days."
#Republicans #FauxOutrage #WasteofTaxpayerDollars #ScareTactics #infantilism #TemperTantrums
#republicans #fauxoutrage #wasteoftaxpayerdollars #scaretactics #infantilism #tempertantrums
Thankyou! An excellent read for anyone interested in the weaponisation of
#cancelculture #fauxoutrage #guardiansofthegalaxy #gotg3
@Woodchaz @GreenFire then how did she explain Charlotte's Web?!???! Answer THAT one!
#FauxOutrage #AnimalsCanTalk #WhyIsMyHairLikeThatEveryMorning
#fauxoutrage #animalscantalk #whyismyhairlikethateverymorning
Ever notice how it's not news unless they say "including child" when it comes to people getting hurt?
No, Morons, No One is Coming After Your Gas Stove
Remember when the GQP had a meltdown over light bulbs? Today's 'faux outrage' focuses on gas stoves.
Although it's true that new housing developments in San Diego will ban natural gas in new construction and California will pha
#WingnutWatch #cancer #Climate #FauxOutrage #GasStoves #GQP
#wingnutwatch #cancer #climate #fauxoutrage #gasstoves #GQP