Berkubernetus · @fuzzychef
1411 followers · 5794 posts · Server

In fact, if you think hard about their actual terms, you'll figure out that the only people who can still use Hashi projects for free are home users working on hobbies, provided that those hobbies generate no income at all.

That's not open source. That's Shareware!

Yes, welcome to the return of Shareware.

#hashi #bsl #fauxpensource

Last updated 1 year ago

Ciourte Piaille · @ciourte
87 followers · 531 posts · Server

Pour utiliser les données de trafique routier national, il faut envoyer un e-mail et accepter la « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence d’Etalab » pas Libre et incompatible avec les licences Libres avec des absurdités comme sa durée « 3 ans renouvelable par tacite reconduction » mais surtout l'interdiction d'utilisation « proposant ou faisant la promotion de
produits ou services non conformes […] aux bonnes mœurs » ?!

#LicenceLibre #fauxlibre #fauxpensource #opendata #fauxpendata #France #bisonfute

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick Masson · @massonpj
191 followers · 376 posts · Server


There is an ongoing effort to address and projects. I suspect the @osi and its community might have some resources and advice for engaging with this company to help them understand the importance of authenticity in .

#openwashing #fauxpensource #opensource

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick Masson · @massonpj
143 followers · 253 posts · Server


's renege on the is just another example of the use in and dangers of @OpenWashing and (the gaming equivalent) of .

Maybe Hasbro can create an (oh sorry, a "Commercial Open Source") version of the Open Gaming License.

#hasbro #ogl #fauxpensource #opencore #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Masson · @massonpj
143 followers · 253 posts · Server

's renege on the is just another example of the dangers of @OpenWashing and (the gaming equivalent) of .

Maybe Hasbro can create an (oh sorry, a "Commercial Open Source") version of the Open Gaming License.

#hasbro #ogl #fauxpensource #opencore #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago