RT @news_australian@twitter.com
BREAKING: An ABC boss has praised Fauziah Ibrahim as “Excellent”!
Do you support Fauziah being promoted to be the ABC’s Chief Political Editor to transform the ABC into the world’s most respected and unbiased news source?
#auspol #FauziahIbrahim #fauziah #abcbreakfast
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/news_australian/status/1614825808404811776
#abcbreakfast #fauziah #fauziahibrahim #auspol
Where is the reference to #LobotomisedShitheads and #LaborTrolls in the #WeekendBreakfast review of the Year on The Web? #Auspol #FauziahIbrahim #ABCNews
#lobotomisedshitheads #labortrolls #weekendbreakfast #auspol #fauziahibrahim #abcnews