“Landscape and tourism in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas” by Sergio Moraes Rego Fagerlande examines the relationship between the #tourism industry and the #favelas of Rio that have natural surroundings and #forests that have been used as tourist attractions.
“Cuarto de desechos y otras obras” de Carolina Maria de Jesus
"Cuarto de Desechos" es un libro fundamental. Las situaciones y los personajes pueden haber cambiado,
#CulturaCineYTelevisin #Libros #ReferentesNegros #afrobrasileas #afrodescendientes #Afrofminas #Brasil #CarolinaMariaDeJesus #CuartoDeDesechos #dispora #discriminacin #favelas #libros #literatura #MujerNegra #racismo #referentes
#culturacineytelevisin #libros #referentesnegros #afrobrasileas #afrodescendientes #afrofminas #brasil #carolinamariadejesus #cuartodedesechos #dispora #discriminacin #favelas #literatura #mujernegra #racismo #referentes
This program is providing addresses for people living in Brazil’s unmapped favelas
#politics #brazil #favelas #BrazilianPolitics
https://www.fastcompany.com/90878789/plus-codes-brazil-unmapped-favelas-addresses by @andreapaolahg_ via @FastCompany
#politics #brazil #favelas #brazilianpolitics
Att jämföra Sveriges förorter med Rios favelor är befängt
I ETC jämför Clara Lee Lundberg situationen i Sveriges förorter med situationen i Rios favelor. Jämförelsen är helt orimlig. Det finns i princip inga som helst likheter mellan de fattiga områdena i Rio och fattiga områden i Sv
#Brasilien #Klass #Media #Sverige #ClaraLeeLundberg #ETC #Fattigaområden #Favelas #Förorter #RiodeJaneiro
#RiodeJaneiro #fororter #favelas #fattigaomraden #ETC #claraleelundberg #sverige #media #klass #brasilien
The Brazilian startup connecting dense favelas to the vast world of e-commerce
#politics #brazil #economy #entrepreneur #favelas #BrazilianPolitics
https://brazilreports.com/the-brazilian-startup-connecting-dense-favelas-to-the-vast-world-of-e-commerce/4210/ via @ReportsBrazil
#politics #brazil #economy #entrepreneur #favelas #brazilianpolitics
Brazil favelas: what you should know
#brazil #travel #favelas
https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/things-to-know-about-brazil-favelas via @lonelyplanet
Photos: Brazilian favela ‘shack’ wins ‘house of the year’ award
#brazil #architecture #favelas
https://aje.io/2vpujp via @AJEnglish
#brazil #architecture #favelas
During a raid on the #favelas of #Brazil, police discovered a woman who was kept in a cage by her own mother for 20 years, believing that she had #mental problems.
The woman was extremely emaciated, and her hands and feet were tied. She was locked in the basement at the age of 19.
Der #Streetart Künstler #JR fotografiert z.B. Kinder aus Kriegsgebieten. Die riesigen Vergrößerungen auf Stoff füllen ganze Plätze.
Dieses und andere Projekte werden in der 3Sat #Doku vorgestellt. Sein Thema: die Sichtbarmachung von Menschen an den Rändern der Gesellschaft - in #Favelas, im #Gefängnis, in den #Banlieus…
Die ganze Doku gibt es hier:
#gesehenwerden #banlieus #gefangnis #favelas #doku #jr #streetart #sehenswert
Der #Streetart Künstler #JR fotografiert z.B. Kinder aus Kriegsgebieten. Die riesigen Vergrößerungen auf Stoff füllen ganze Plätze.
Dieses und andere Projekte werden in der 3Sat #Doku vorgestellt. Sein Thema: die Sichtbarmachung von Menschen an den Rändern der Gesellschaft - in #Favelas, im #Gefängnis, in den #Banlieus…
Die ganze Doku gibt es hier:
#gesehenwerden #banlieus #gefangnis #favelas #doku #jr #streetart #sehenswert
Sunday's inauguration of #Lula in #Brazil, nicknamed #Lulapalooza, promises to unleash years of frustration after the ruinous administration of "Jet Ski Jair."
“These were four extremely difficult years during which we went into survival mode – above all in the #favelas. #Bolsonaro represents the past: a past of oppression, of #colonisation, of the enslavement of bodies and minds, of violence, of hostility, of extermination.”
#lula #brazil #lulapalooza #favelas #bolsonaro #colonisation
Brazil’s First Favela Celebrates 125th Anniversary With Celebratory Breakfast and Discussion Among Elders
#politics #brazil #history #favelas #BrazilianPolitics
https://rioonwatch.org/?p=73160#.Y5jECoXb_cI.twitter by @julianapinhods via @RioOnWatch
#politics #brazil #history #favelas #brazilianpolitics
Ribeirão Favel’Arte, Festival of Arts and Culture in Brazilian Favelas https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/ribeirao-favelarte-festival-of-arts-and-culture-in-brazilian-favelas/ #Arts_&_Culture #Community #Global #arts #Brazil #Coletivo_CriAtiva #culture #favelas #resistance #Ribeirão_Favel'Arte #Ribeirão_Preto #Ribeirão_Preto
#Arts_ #Community #global #arts #brazil #Coletivo_CriAtiva #culture #favelas #resistance #Ribeirão_Favel #Ribeirão_Preto
Polizia, soggetti da favela e territorio: ruoli e gerarchie https://radioblackout.org/2021/05/polizia-soggetti-da-favela-e-territorio-ruoli-e-gerarchie/ #L'informazionediBlackout ##comandovermelho ##necropolitica ##riodejaneiro ##jacarezinho ##traficantes ##mortos #favelas
#favelas #mortos #traficantes #Jacarezinho #riodejaneiro #necropolitica #comandovermelho #l
Polizia, soggetti da favela e territorio: ruoli e gerarchie https://radioblackout.org/2021/05/polizia-soggetti-da-favela-e-territorio-ruoli-e-gerarchie/ #L'informazionediBlackout ##comandovermelho ##necropolitica ##riodejaneiro ##jacarezinho ##traficantes ##mortos #favelas
#favelas #mortos #traficantes #Jacarezinho #riodejaneiro #necropolitica #comandovermelho #l
Covid: in Brasile le classi povere si auto-organizzano contro la logica di sterminio https://radioblackout.org/2020/04/in-brasile-le-classi-povere-si-auto-organizzano-contro-la-logica-di-sterminio/ #L'informazionediBlackout #medicinacomunitaria #afro-discendenti #coronavirus #amazzonia #bolsonaro #sterminio #brasile #covid19 #favelas #classe #colore #indios
#l #medicinacomunitaria #afro #Coronavirus #amazzonia #bolsonaro #sterminio #brasile #COVID19 #favelas #classe #colore #indios
Covid: in Brasile le classi povere si auto-organizzano contro la logica di sterminio https://radioblackout.org/2020/04/in-brasile-le-classi-povere-si-auto-organizzano-contro-la-logica-di-sterminio/ #L'informazionediBlackout #medicinacomunitaria #coronavirus #bolsonaro #sterminio #brasile #covid19 #favelas #indios
#l #medicinacomunitaria #Coronavirus #bolsonaro #sterminio #brasile #COVID19 #favelas #indios
Wütet #COVID19 erst in den #Flüchtlingslagern, #Favelas & #Ghettos, wird es verheerend.
Schlimmer noch ist, dass viele insgeheim denken, dass sich damit ein "Problem" von alleine reduziert. Widerlich!
#ghettos #favelas #Flüchtlingslagern #COVID19