Thought I would share something I've been listening to a lot myself recently: "Open Wide", track 6 of Phil Gould's album "Beautiful Wounds". Lovely uplifting thing, beautifully put together, and I dance around to it even though it has a little time-signature-wiggle in a couple of places!
I love this colourful throw rug.
Nothing special, not a gift, just from target.
But I'm always happy when I pull it out.
@tuckerteague Only schmucks used the native twitter client with the dopey #algorithm. Third-party apps like Tweetbot always showed the #chronological #timeline. #Faves are nice and always have been!
#algorithm #chronological #timeline #faves
Only schmucks used the native twitter client with the dopey #algorithm. Third-party apps like Tweetbot always showed the #chronological #timeline. #Faves are nice and always have been!
#algorithm #chronological #timeline #faves
Checking notifications is always good - seeing #toots get plenty of #boosts and #faves (especially from new people who then go on to #follow you), and comments.
Seeing you missed one #hashtag symbol is not so good - do you #DeleteAndReDraft and lose all those things, or leave it and spend the rest of your life cringing over this?
#toots #boosts #faves #follow #hashtag #DeleteAndReDraft
Some #faves for now, I havenโt met all of them yet (and I just learned how to properly select emoji on here, sorry)
:bulbasaur: :ivysaur:โ :venusaur:โ
:turtwig: :grotle:โ :torterra:โ
:victreebel:โ :starmie:โ :rhydon: :golem: :heracross:โ :staraptor:โ :luxray: :gastrodon:โ :azelf: :palkia:
And I find these to be really cute
:lapras:โ :skitty:โ :swablu:โ :corphish:โ :tropius:โ :rowlet: โ
Iโm in love with myself!
:raikou: :raikou: :raikou: :raikou: :raikou: :raikou: :raikou: :raikou:
inb4 all pokemons are #faves
but mine are :whimsicott:โ :empoleon:โ :leafeon:โ :vileplume:โ :lilligant:โ :primarina:โ :altaria:โ :ninetales_alola:โ :oddish:โ :xerneas:โ :fletchinder:โ :mimikyu:โ :haunter:โ :dewgong:โ
here's my #faves
:kecleon:โ :mewtwo:โโโ :nidoqueen:โ :nidoking:โ :rhydon:โ :magmar: :ivysaur:โ :swampert:โ :numel:โ :camerupt:โ :heliolisk: :mudsdale:โ :flygon:โโ :ampharos:โ :gyarados:โ
Are we doing this now?
:munchlax:โ :snorlax:โ :krookodile:โ :lucario:โ :goodra:โ :doduo:โ :porygon_z:โ :porygon2:โ :porygon:โ :litleo:โ :totodile:โ :cofagrigus:โ :exploud:โ :ludicolo:โ :rowlet:โ :cryogonal:โ :charizard_mega_x:โ