@dennishorn @gavinkarlmeier Heute festgestellt: Auch das #Favicon für #Tweetdeck ist jetzt (bei mir) das X.
I was also perhaps a bit overly excited to actually be able to set a #favicon (that little symbol on the browser tab) yesterday 😆
Die beiden #HakenDran-Macher, @dennishorn und @gavinkarlmeier, haben in ihrem Podcast heute über #Twitter getalked. Über eine Stunde gab es wieder Neuigkeiten über den ehemals blauen Vogel, der zum X mutiert ist.
Was mir ergänzend noch aufgefallen ist: Das #Favicon auf www.twitter.com und tweetdeck.twitter.com wurde zum X hin geändert. Auf analytics.twitter.com sieht man noch den blauen Vogel. #Kleinigkeiten
#hakendran #twitter #favicon #Kleinigkeiten
Okay, so.. here me out!
The #mastodon web ui I have on this instance (v4.0.2) has such an annoying #bug..
Embeds overwrite the #favicon of the tab. So often enough I have a YouTube favicon on the mastodon tab...
Is there already a fix? Should have probably checked if there is an issue on github about that :yeenthink: whoops
Seriously this weird, Favicon.jsm seems to be pulling random favicons from places. It's now showing tumblr, and when i refreshed it it showed someone's PFP
@ActionRetro Do you have any idea?
#bitbang #mastodon #favicon
How come it's 2023 and #favicon is still a nightmare to navigate. 🤪 #WebDesign
As someone who makes web apps a lot, the Favicon Generator has been an amazing resource.
#SVG #Favicon #Maker | crea facilmente la tua favicon
Favicon Generator | genera gratis #favicon per pagine e app
🇬🇧 Serving GZIP compressed Favicon with Netlify
#gzip #favicon #netlify #contentencoding #compression #uncompressed #performanceoptimization #compresstransfer #optimization #webpagetest #webperformancereport #hugo #webperf #webdev
#마스토돈 #favicon 바꾸기
1. 두 경로의 이미지를 바꿔준다.
- app/javascript/icons
- public
2. precompile을 실행한다.
3. 서비스를 재시작한다.
favicon.ico 파일은 16, 32, 48 크기의 이미지를 모두 담아 왼쪽 위 정렬하여 저장한다.
GIMP에서 모두 작업 가능하다.
Broken #twitter #favicon. #federation #hacked . My cat making sure I climb out of the #rabbithole .services on my lan. Speed test inductive of #highjacking or #dos #Attack
#twitter #favicon #federation #hacked #rabbithole #highjacking #dos #attack
#Business #Development #Updates
Favicons no longer need to be hosted on the same domain · Google Search now displays your website’s favicon even if it’s located elsewhere https://ilo.im/11ad15
#Google #SearchEngine #SEO #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Favicon #CDN #Hosting #Display
#business #development #updates #google #searchengine #seo #webdesign #webdevelopment #webdev #favicon #cdn #hosting #display
How to #Favicon in 2023: Six files that fit most needs
If anyone else also sees broken favicons in Chrome or Edge:
1) Go to chrome://flags or edge://flags
2) Find "Force color profile" and set it to "scRGB"
3) Restart browser
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/10csohe/comment/j4iglv3/
#chrome #edge #favicon #color #browser
#chrome #edge #favicon #color #browser