“Despite being in the forefront of British Modernism, with Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth and Naum Gabo, during the 1940s and 1950s, Wilhelmina — Willie — Barns-Graham’s work is still relatively little known. Perhaps it’s less easy to categorise than theirs. As Nicholson was, she was both a figurative and an abstract painter.”
‘Autumn Series No.4, Balmungo’ (1998), is a collection of upright strokes in fall colours with slim trunks over some.
#favouriteartist #figurativeart #abstractart
Favourite book artist. Which means, of course, favourite artist. Will forever be grateful to Nancy Campbell for introducing me to his work, and him, just over a decade ago.
Image: from his wonderful exhibition at Flowers Gallery in 2017.
#TomPhillips #BookArtist #FavouriteArtist
#favouriteartist #bookartist #tomphillips
#favouriteArtist is Robben Ford (modern)
#favouriteAlbum is New Orleans Heat by Albert King
#favouriteSong is Death Letter by Cassandra Wilson
#blues #music #favouriteartist #favouritealbum #favouritesong
@Crapricorn666 #FavouriteArtist, I've got two; James and The Proclaimers.
#FavouriteAlbum is Laid by James.
#FavouriteSong, this morning anyway, is What's Up by 4 Non-Blondes
#favouriteartist #favouritealbum #favouritesong