Gizmodo: So, Those First 2 Ahsoka Episodes Were a Prequel, Right? #draftlistofstarwarsrebelscharacters #entertainmentculture #fictionalcyborgs #chapter13thejedi #starwarsrebels #lukeskywalker #internetmemes #ezrabridger #warconflict #ahsokatano #davefiloni #lightsaber #sabinewren #favreau #ahsoka #disney #grogu #jedi #jon
#draftlistofstarwarsrebelscharacters #entertainmentculture #fictionalcyborgs #chapter13thejedi #starwarsrebels #lukeskywalker #internetmemes #ezrabridger #warconflict #ahsokatano #davefiloni #lightsaber #sabinewren #favreau #ahsoka #disney #grogu #jedi #jon
Mon Mothma! Strong female protagonists rebelling against tyranny. #Ahsoka connects Mando, Boba Fett, & Andor. This will be good!
Written by Filoli, directed by Filoli and another guy. Created by #Filoli and #Favreau. Favreau and Filoli are really good about writing female characters, but they are less awesome at putting women behind the camera and in the directors chair. Bryce Howard is not enough. We want more women behind the scenes too.
"Find someone who loves you the way Jon #Favreau loves revisiting #Tatooine".
#favreau #tatooine #themandalorian #starwars #mastotv
The Mandalorian 4: Jon Favreau conferma che è già in fase di sviluppo - #mandalorian #favreau #conferma #fase #sviluppo #movieplayerit #30maggio
#30maggio #movieplayerit #sviluppo #fase #conferma #favreau #mandalorian
“Il pianeta preistorico”: tornano David Attenborough e Jon Favreau | TV Sorrisi e Canzoni #pianeta #preistorico #tornano #david #attenborough #favreau #sorrisi #canzoni #23maggio
#23maggio #canzoni #sorrisi #favreau #attenborough #David #tornano #preistorico #pianeta